Goodbye Thigh Gap


First, do a Google image search for ‘lemon party’, which is very Not Safe for Work. Second, realize that Alec Baldwin’s character Jack worked with a woman named Liz Lemon. Third, try to imagine how hard I’m laughing about getting you to look up ‘lemon party’. Fourth, and finally, know that the answer to your earlier

I always thought aluminum was more of a conductor of heat?

I always thought aluminum was more of a conductor of heat?

Maybe, like your brother Jack, they’re fans of a good Lemon party?

A disheartening post, but delightfully written.

You're kidding?

There's a rally? Let me grab my pom poms!

Any response to the 1000+ comments concerning your writing here, on Groupthink, and on Live Journal?

It isn't a zero sum situation.

You're reading far too much into this conversation.

It isn't, really, but understanding that requires more empathy than some people have.

Oh, I'm sorry, did you get the impression that your comment wasn't welcome? Perish the thought. You keep commenting to your heart's content, darling.

No. Thanks for asking.

In that case, I would think Mr. Pinkham is quite capable of policing his own forum.

No problem.

It's the little arrow in the top-right corner of the comment box, just after my name.

btw, the guilt thing is my way of saying "no worries". I've been know to say some rude things I didn't need to.

Irish Catholic guilt, ladies and gentlemen. Let's all give it a big hand.


I'm sorta tired. I just popped in here to ask one question then spent all day listening to people tell me that they don't care.