
Florida's made me laugh.

My guess is that it'll turn out Big Head also signed the wrong name on the NDA, thus robbing it of its legality.

I'm going to miss Banshee by the Numbers almost as much as I'll miss the show itself. Thank you so much for doing these.

Or "Banshee, Pennsylvania - suck my tit."

Also, Hood referring to Burton as "Proctor's butler" made me laugh far too hard.

This was a pretty damn great finale (my only real gripe being that Sugar's speech at the end was just too on-the-nose) and boasted some of the best action sequences in the show's entire run… It's just a shame the rest of the season wasn't up to the same standard. Really, the only major course correction they would've

Go for Choke or Survivor.

Not a band I listen to often, but I always enjoy them when I do. I thought this was a pretty solid album overall.

Carnival Night Zone's pretty bad, but I think Sandopolis Act 2 is the worst for me. I think I've only ever beat that level once without getting "Time Over." That's not what a Sonic level should be like!

You hold up when it's going up, down when it's going down, it picks up in speed and gets a little higher/lower every time, eventually allowing you to pass through.

You guys don't even mention a podcast from one of your own?!

So, you got mod powers here too, eh?

I'm here to lute what's left of the string instrument puns.

I didn't get the reference at all, so Fred Armisen's appearance here was just baffling.

I really enjoyed the first season, so this is very good news!

Oh man, only one comment? This album is a god damn classic!

Experimental post-hardcore band Dance Gavin Dance have also been through three vocalists, along with a slew of other band members (the only consistent members being the drummer and lead guitarist). It's kind of incredible just how many different lineups they've had over the course of a single decade:

Nice! I would've actually been fine with it ending, since the season 2 finale was a great potential closer, but this is VERY welcome news indeed!

Damn, I forgot how mercilessly brutal this show could be. That whole sequence with the guy getting his face eaten by a dog and then the other dude's hand splitting in half was… squirm-inducing, to say the least.

That's good to know! Rebecca's one of my favorite characters on the show, so I'm very happy to hear this.