

My old roommate was dating one of the dumbest guys I've ever met, and I once witnessed him cracking up in hysterics at the mere sight of Ben Stiller appearing on screen doing nothing.

This was a really fantastic season of television, and while the jokes on the show still don't always land, personally, I was utterly delighted with how everything came together for that gruesome finale, though I can understand if some found it too tonally jarring.

"Everything about his palm reading indicated he wasn't long for this earth!"

Actually, there *was* that bit where she couldn't get the automated check-in to work at the airport - that's probably why I got it mixed up with Fargo!

Haha, holy shit, I feel like an idiot. The shows bled together in my mind!

I really loved this finale. It so completely embodied everything the show is about, and remained true to itself through to the very end. I love how there's both a relatively satisfying explanation of what happened, AND complete and utter mystery, depending on what one chooses to believe - which all ties in perfectly

I definitely agree he's the most consistently funny character on the show. Even in Silicon Valley's weakest installments, Erlich's relentlessly indignant manner of speaking will always make me laugh.

As much as I love Veep, I'm not really clamouring for any more of it. Season 6 hasn't been without some solid laughs, but it hasn't exactly been necessary, and everything about it feels like an epilogue to the story, rather than the next logical chapter.

Y'know, I honestly thought this season was decent by modern Simpsons standards. The weakest episodes were still mostly passable, there was a genuinely solid run of episodes in the middle, and There Will Be Buds was the hardest I've laughed at the show in maybe 2 or 3 years. All in all, I don't regret watching most of

Episode 14 is missing from the list because The Great Phatsby technically made up episodes 12 and 13 (Fatzcarraldo is erroneously listed as episode 13, though it looks like the correct episode numbers were reinstated from the following week onwards).

I suppose the term could apply in the strictly apolitical sense, in that he's rather set in his ways/resistant to change, but yeah, I highly doubt any of the Belchers would vote for a party that actively screws over the little guy (not that I imagine Bob would be particularly interested in politics in the first place).

I actually really enjoyed this album, and felt it still possessed a significant amount of the magical energy that made the band's best work so unique and engaging. It doesn't hold a candle to Relationship of Command - no one would've expected otherwise there - but I found it to be a damn solid collection of songs

I agree. And I think the show's gradually become more character-focused with each season, so this really just feels like a natural development.

Every episode tied together a sit-com trope and a political issue, but the latter always took a maaajor backseat to the former.

I really think the crux of the show's concept was just them wanting to set a sit-com in the white house and still retain the wacky neighbour trope. It's those exact same Python-esque sensibilities that usually made for the funniest moments of the very early South Park seasons.

Yeah, it was far beyond Comedy Central's usual budget, and didn't draw in nearly enough viewers to justify those expenses. I think everyone knew the concept had a limited shelf life anyway - I'm not sure Matt & Trey would've made more even if the show's cancellation (and 9/11) never happened.

I think of it as being far less of a political satire, and much more just a parody of multi-camera sit-coms. Making the main character George Bush was predominantly an act in absurdism rather than any sort of political statement.

The Australian version also hs one really great element that the US version sadly ditched - the increasingly long, convoluted and specific metaphors he would use to summarise each review. Some of those practically had me in tears laughing.

This was such an utterly perfect finale. Seriously, NOTHING else would be better, and so true to everything the show is.