
I thought Kasmir was an equally well-known Zeppelin song, though I think it may be one of those instances where people know the melody but not the title of the song:

So does this mean we lose The Wire, Justified, Fargo and Better Call Saul?

I'm beginning to see a pattern with her roles…

I've met people in their 20s who haven't heard of Led Zeppelin. It's genuinely shocking, but they're definitely out there.

I'm happy to see the finale got reviewed. Thanks for that pleasant surprise, Kate!

The combo customisation turned out to be pretty limiting, seeing as you had to customise them in very specific ways to beat certain enemies.

Those two things aren't related, are they? You were already doing the second one and you know it!

This is the first I'm hearing of a contract dispute between Sarah Wayne Callies and the Prison Break producers. I'm, like, 99% sure that she was written off the show because she was pregnant and unable to shoot in the third season.

Still not as bad in that regard as season 8 was, in my opinion.

Technically six episodes, they're just airing the last two in a one hour block.

I have to admit, I groaned a little when I realised Trump was going to be the main subject of the episode, but this turned out to be a truly brilliant segment all around.

I haven't personally seen any evidence to the contrary, for whatever it's worth.

I can guarantee no one is being banned for swearing - the only reason we encourage people to self-censor is to avoid the delays caused by Disqus's automatic "approval required" system.

Hey UT, I'll just copy and paste the same thing I said to Tech Belcher:
"Hmm, I honestly have no idea. I can't seem to find anything in the deleted posts archive to suggest why they'd be banned. I'll need to confer with the other mods and make sure there isn't a reason for this that I'm unaware of, but yeah, I'm

I actually quite liked the first Afterman album, as it basically felt like everything Coheed do - across each era of their evolving sound - compressed into 9 tracks. But it definitely doesn't hold up the same way their first three albums do.

Good Apollo is one of my favourite albums of all time - and one of my most-played. There was a time when I was sharing an apartment with several other people, and it was basically the only album we could all agree on (one person primarily listened to bubblegum post-hardcore, another listened to R&B, another listened

Noah Hawley has mentioned that he sends them scripts and doesn't hear anything back.

When it premiered on broadcast television in Australia, they simply cut together the three or four episodes focused solely on the reunion special and aired it in a 2 hour block titled "The Seinfeld Reunion!"

Keeping Up with Our Joneses
A Firefighting We Will Go
Lupe's Revenge
Dang Ol' Love
Megalo Dale

It's the Weeds reunion no one asked for!