
Sense8 may have my favourite intro of any tv show ever - it perfectly captures the enormous scope of the show's plot, the music and visuals are both fantastic, and, as over-used as the word "epic" has become, it is truly deserving of being described as such.

Who'd have thought fans of The Walking Dead would have anything less than extraordinarily high intellects?!

Wayward Dines

My idea of him before Hannibal was "I don't know who this person is." And now I do!

If you're into them, then yes!
Otherwise, nope, they're from that other Perth.

On behalf of Perth, Australia: We apologise sincerely for unleashing the torture of AC/DC upon the rest of the world. Please check out our much better musical export Karnivool instead and try to find it in your hearts to forgive us.

*song. You have to have written more than one song for that to pluralised.

Supposedly Comedy Central have also aired the South Park movie completely uncut, though this was also at about 1am. I guess advertisers are far less picky about content at that time.

Looks like AMC stands for "Always Must Censor," amirite??!!!

I'm not so sure that's the case - I saw the AMC broadcast version of every episode first time around, and didn't catch a single instance where it wasn't blanked out (they did indeed only use the word once a season after the first season, but it was still censored).

I distinctly remember Roger saying "fuck" during a board meeting in season 4, though it was blanked out on the air, much like AMC did for Breaking Bad's "one fuck a season."

Fargo. Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul. Hannibal. Sense8. Probably some more I'm forgetting… There are quite a few shows these days with stunning cinematography.

Didn't Pitchfork give the album a 9/10? Which is essentially a 30/10 by "other music critic" standards.

I've done mini-marathons, but they've usually been episodes I've already seen. Moderation is definitely recommended for first-timers.

Most of us already talk about how much we love Better Call Saul. Getting paid to do that AND interview cast members? Sounds like a dream gig to me.

I believe the correct term is "debutante."

Eh, it's easy to see why fans were a little dubious upon hearing that a big-name movie star in his 60s was joining their beloved low budget cult series about four 20-somethings running a bar. If you only had those first 8 episodes to go on, it's certainly difficult to imagine how exactly the show would work with

I was also lucky enough to jump in very early - my first episode was "Underage Drinking: A National Concern" when it first aired down here (though the show was already on its third season in the US by this point) after having seen the show's name mentioned several times on an Arrested Development forum I used to

The humour comes from taking the concept of a comedy about generally unlikeable people (popularised by Seinfeld) and pushing it to the absolute extreme; taking them from inconsiderate assholes to full-blown sociopaths, and the permanent tightrope walk that entails. And then there's the banter between the characters,

But no one would believe it!