
This story sounds kinda phony to me.

That was a Close call!

"There were too many jokes that fell flat and some that just had the cadence of a joke, but weren't really jokes." - So this episode would've fit perfectly in the Mike Scully era?

The staff seem to put more work into the titles and the couch gags than the actual show these days.

But it comes with a free frogurt!

Your Trumpdates continue to depress the shit out of me.

As excited as I am to hear this, that is some ugly-ass album art.

Yeah, if it weren't for waypoints and mini-maps, I doubt I'd have the patience for open world games.

I watched the first episode and it had a few small chuckles, but that was about it. Unless I hear great things about the subsequent episodes, I'm probably not going to bother with the rest of the series.

The crowd just pissed me off immensely on that extra. I don't think I could watch it again.

If anyone gets a chance to see Portugal. The Man live, definitely do it - they have their own rendition of Night Man which they perform at every gig.

I have talking bobbleheads for the entire gang, and the Dee one is decked out in the princess costume and pretty much exclusively spouts lines from this episode. I don't think the people who made it had seen any other episode of the show.

It might also just be due to lack of availability. I've seen Artemis Pebdani pop up in a lot of things these past few years.

I think a minor drop in quality isn't all that surprising (or disappointing) given just how stellar seasons 9 and 10 were. And season 11 is turning out to be much better than season 8 so far, in my opinion.

Willie said it in an episode of The Simpsons about 12 years ago.

They went pasta it!

I'm pretty happy with them fulfilling the "six seasons" prophecy. Plus, Community was arguably on its last legs, and they managed to go out with a season that was quite good for the most part - for a show that lived constantly on the bubble with a great deal of behind-the-scenes drama and multiple cast departures,

No one's that thirsty.

No, they're pretty much the Showtime of online streaming in that regard.

Do we know if all 12 episodes are comimg out at once like Netflix's usual shows, or is Brooker going to continue the approach of taking the necessary time to craft each one perfectly, and release them over several years (presumably in installments of 3 per season, like the first two seasons)? If it's the latter, I