Ragged Claws

‘My gay friends are miserable, depressed and have shared with me, that they know their lifestyle is wrong.’ I’m only miserable and depressed because Matt Damon won’t call me back. Also, if I were a betting gay dude, I would say Brad is at least a 4 on the Kinsey scale.

I just love how many people have deluded themselves into believing that Liberty University is a Christian college.

You do not get to dictate what is moral

My gay friends are miserable, depressed and have shared with me, that they know their lifestyle is’s partly my fault for being an intolerant prick.

I’m on my phone and can’t quote it properly, but I just wanna say: verily? The insane dude who doesn’t hate “the blacks” but also thinks anti-black racism doesn’t exist and concerns about it takes the spotlight off of anti-Indigenous racism (which you know he also secretly does not believe exists) says verily? Verily?!

Bauer MLB star. You online writer for shitspin.

Lol at that guy. Like he has friends, gay or otherwise.

Please write another article about hockey!!! I need more paper for my fire place!!

My gay friends are miserable, depressed and have shared with me, that they know their lifestyle is wrong. Let’s stop trying to fool ourselves into believing the gay lifestyle is normal, because it isn’t.

Love Mavis trying to throw shade on Chris’s education, while fucking up the usage of both “your” AND “you’re” within one sentence of each other.

Exactly. It’s not that Punk is wrong, he most definitely isn’t(!), but the show seemed to lack context.

The reason bringing up Owen was tasteless was that it was a freak accident that led to his death that was completely separate from the main perspective of the piece and just to mention in that way without providing the context was deeply questionable for me. To state that he was technically, except even he wasn’t,

how else are people going to notice it, and thus that it is the D&G brand toaster, and that you are just THAT FUCKING RICH.

They drove a dumptruck full of money up to his house!  He’s not made of stone! 

You know Ivanka Trump keeps a six pack of $20 marshmallows in her desk drawer in the White House. She opens the drawer at least 27 times a day and looks forlornly at them, reminiscing on simpler times. Then, on the 28th occasion, she gently removes one from the package, holds it to her eyes like she’s looking at the

NO RECLINER! Barbaric!

$2800 for an espresso machine? It better be able to make beverages from the blood of my enemies without breaking, unlike my last six machines.

Not sure how the SMEG toaster is “design-forward” looks like someone shrunk a 1950's fridge.

I bought all of these as gifts for my family, they left me. They couldn’t stand the smell of the peppermint, the gleeful way I poured gallon after gallon of Christmas in a Pitcher into the copper gnome before pouring it into their chilling cube filled monogram mugs, the tea hampers full of beef wellingtons that have

About god damn time you slacker.