Ragged Claws

Go back to you incel reddit blogs.

But it’s on record. On Congressional record. For everybody to see. Forever. That alone makes me smile. Generations from now, Americans will be able to see, in serious & legal documents, that he was a racist, conman, liar and thief. Wow.

When I say conman, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges, and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores.

I always thought he looked as though he just let out a wet fart and couldn’t tell whether or not he shit his pants.

SHHHHHHHH about the tunnel

Roughly 8,375 square feet if you were to have stacks 8 feet tall of all 100 dollar bills. Each stack would be 2,232,558 and some change.. but we’ll ditch the change. This would need almost 6,271 stacks. With a surface area per bill of 16.02in, they would occupy 100,495.28 square inches, or roughly 8,375 square feet. 

Lamestream media. I wish I was kidding.

At first I assumed the boomers thought that was AOC because they’re so racist they can’t tell people apart. But they fell for the Clinton blackface nonsense and I’m just convinced they’re fucking idiots, at best.

Yeah, this is an article where there are really no winners.

Narrator = Morgan Freeman.

I’d like to get Chelsea Clinton’s take on this.

I’m really glad to know that it’s unrealistic to experience sexual assault without plenty of foreshadowing. It means it’s really easy to avoid right? Probs the fault of the people who didn’t pick up on all the foreshadowing...

Everything in your comment is terrible and wrong.  

Does it advance the story?

It stretches beyond plausibility for you that a teenage boy hit on a teenage girl “without warning”?

I imagine a lot of teenage girls also feel that guys being predatory creeps to them was “shoehorned” into their lives without doing much to advance the story, so seems pretty effective to me...

Yeah, nothing’s more fun to read than 25 one-sentence entries that say “I liked it!”

next time, post a youtube clip


The Live Aid performance in Bohemian Rhapsody.