Ragged Claws

I went with hemorrhoids, but this is great too!

Severe, chronic hemorrhoids. Like grapes out of his ass. Unable to be removed by surgery. Painful, irritating, embarrassing. Precisely what he deserves.

Pretty much. They’re sponsored by fan clubs mostly. So a lot of people chipped in to pay for this “honor” that last I heard was &30,000. Which is sad to think about.

I like how you think!

Maybe they’ll be killed by a mountain lion while they’re out there. Or a grizzly.

Yeah, it’s stuck in my head now. BRB, gonna go knock myself out with my frying pan Looney Toons style.

Super late reply but, you’d better beleive my cats are coming in the bunker! Of course, I lay awake at night planning how to evacuate with six cats if we ever get a monster hurricane headed our way because no way am I leaving them.

Fuck. Yes. I’m sick to fucking death of this idea that no one else pays taxes but those who are bitching about any type of social programs. My husband and I owed this year on both state and federal. We owe most years. But we pay it and don’t complain because taxes pay for things we ALL benefit from. And we sure as

It would seriously make my month.

Yes! The fucking nerve.

Exactly! Not going to lie, if I were a head of state would I want to ride in the carriage with the Queen? Of course! That sounds amazing! But I would never even ask because I wouldn’t want to come off as an spoiled kid. How does one even phrase a request like that without sounding assy as fuck? And here’s Annoying

Maybe she could borrow the Popemobile and follow the carriage.

That’s a waste of good crumpets. I say go traditional with rotten produce.

That would require him to care about someone other than himself, so the thought probably hasn’t crossed his mind.

I wish I could star this forever.

I’m about an hour from a military base, so the nukes will get me. My main worry is what will happen to our cats if they survive and we don’t.

This is what i’d be doing if I had Taylor Swift money. Also restoring lighthouses and having them put on the historic register. I hate that so many historic buildings end up delapidated or torn down.

I’d also like to know. I prefer my water cold, but a sweaty bottle from ice is such a pain.

Thrift store. $0.25. Mostly promotional ones given away, but who cares if your kid loses it in a week?