Ragged Claws

Jesus, this! I have chronic migraines so about 50 people a day suggest drinking more water like it’s something I’ve never heard before in the 20 years I’ve had these. Just stop people. I know they mean well but for real. Stop.

I’m so glad you got my joke! Oddly enough I just watched that episode tonight. One of my favorites.

I live in a shack. I poop in an outhouse. I eats what I kills.

I feel you. I’m from NC. We ditched our shitty Governor, but our state legislature needs to be ear fucked by a rabid cactus. Feel free to join me on the bench of shame.

They are surely over prescribed, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of patients getting them who legitimately need them and use them responsibly.

Exactly. My opiates are cheap. My imitrex is expensive. I get nine imitrex per month. Of course I’m going to take the opiate first and hope it works before taking the pill that’s $10 each.

Lucky you. Not everyone is so fortunate.

And let the demonization of people with chronic pain begin. For those of you who have beaten addiction, I’m sincerely happy for you. For those who are able to manage your chronic pain without using these types of drugs, I envy you. I never have a day without pain. It makes life really fucking hard. I don’t like how

That “magic candy” keeps some people withe chronic, debilitating pain functional. People like my dad. He has degenerative disc disease from working construction all his life. He had surgery a few years ago and while it has improved he still needs pain meds to work. He’s two years from retirement and trying to hang on

Thank you. I use opioids most days for chronic pain. With out them I’m confined to bed in the dark. I tough it out as much as I can but living in constant pain is horrible. I don’t take these meds to get high. I take them so the pain will stop for awhile and I can live my life.

Or on Medicaid.

They also have an M&M store. (Or did when I was there a couple years ago.) I loved the weird statue though!

I was there for Magfest in January a couple years ago and I’m loving how much larger the crowds were for that than this. People were coming and going out the front all the time, so no slow points like in this picture. The whole place was packed with attendees, a lot of them in cosplay, waiting for panels, taking

Well, I won’t be sleeping tonight.

You win. Or lose, I’m not sure which.

Yes! I can hear loud ass trucks from the street and my house is in a neighborhood. They’re just too fucking loud!

He also bought radios for the FD from a buddy that didn’t work with the PD radios so fire fighters didn’t get the message to gtfo before the buildings collapsed. So he has blood on his hands from that. Fuck Giuliani.

Please tell me she wore something on her bottom half. The burning...

Omg the pseudoscience. I’m still baffled at the one in December from a woman who went on a 72 hour water fast to clear up her acne. That shit is dangerous.