Ragged Claws

I swear I’m going to watch that next week. Been meaning too but I just haven’t gotten around to it.

I’m giving that to my husband! I can’t wait for him to open it! I got him a drone last year and he’s enjoyed it so I think this one will be even better!

I got my letter officially firing me today. On mother fucking Christmas Eve. I spent the afternoon crying and tomorrow we go see my family and hope no one asks how things are going. Because if I start crying my husband is going to UNLOAD.

Whaaaaaat?! Now that’s a new one for me. I’m mad I somehow missed that tid bit in the swirl of awful that was the election.

I’m sorry you’re in that situation. I’m in a similar boat, 35, been on leave from my job for a few months due a health condition but they’re trying to fire me. I’m hoping I’ll find an effective treatment and be able to work again, but I don’t know if that’s going to happen. It’s scary and I worry about my future and

I had to explain to my husband a few months ago that narwhals are real.

Ohhh kaaaay then...

The worst my throat ever looked was when I had mono. Now I must do a gis for oral gonorrhea and compare.

Starred for mentioning the dearly departed Milihelen. Still so sad about that. ☹️


Can I get a large foam finger for that team?

Is there confirmation this is a coyote hide? Not that I don’t feel bad for an animal being killed just for its skin, but coyotes are pests and over populated so I feel like this would be more like hunting deer and eating the meat.

Thank you. I know they’re thirsty af and that’s why you can always find a quote from them, but can we get a statement from a sane organization? Maybe the ASPCA?

I haven’t but i’ll look into it. I like getting a little gift each month in the mail.

That’s great news! I’m so glad to hear it! :)

I have three in my freezer ready to go for migraines. One on my forehead/eyes and one on my neck!

I had Ipsy for about a year. The products were never quite right for me. I also got Glossybox for awhile. I liked that the products were generally full sized and pretty high quality. I canceled to save money since it was $21 ea h month. I wish Sephora Play was available in my area. I’ll probably cancel in January and

I’m on day two of a migraine. Fuck my life.

I would try an ice pack. It helps my migraines and when I had a vulvadynia episode a few months ago. And ibuprofen might help so give that a try too.

I got my Birchbox today. I got a perfume I didn’t like, a black eyeliner I’ll never use, and dry shampoo paste. No idea what the dry shampoo paste is about. On the plus side I got a clear brow gel, a Nuxe moisturizer, and a cute pocket mirror. Still, I’m thinking of cancelling. After a couple years I’m not excited to