Ragged Claws

Same. I’d plead guilty to assault and just do the time. It would be worth it.

Yeah that stopped me in my tracks too. Wha?

Gotta be Christie!

He has a guy for that.

Yeah. I’m very down. Bad work/health shit. I put up some decorations and did cards yesterday. I made a batch of cookies. But no tree yet, no real shopping or wrapping. And We may not go to my parents’ house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I would love to see everyone but I can’t handle the “how’s work” question

The chubby legs! So precious! :D

Thank you. My husband struggles with severe anxiety and depression largely because of the terribly pessimistic messages he was exposed to as a kid by his parents. You can raise your kids to be socially aware, generous people without screwing them up mentally for life.

Is that why she looks like The Joker?

This is what kills me. These embryos are so far from actual children it’s mind boggling, so stop acting like these are actual five year olds running around asking for a grilled cheese.

I can understand the poor foot wear argument. The tacky argument is where I get annoyed, especially coming from Tom Ford. God forbid his kid not be an extension of his impeccable style and taste at five years old.

Right? Poor kid. Let him enjoy his childhood. He’ll be ground under by the misery of adulthood too soon. Let him wear the damn dinosaur shoes.

So did they only show part of this last week? Or is this a replay? I’m confused.

Same issue. I keep starting books but nothing is keeping my interest. It’s probably my terrible depression, but it’s still frustrating.

Oh wow that’s bad. My husband once made one for me and managed to burn one side while the other side was closer to bread than toast, but at least he attempted to grill it!

That was where I first heard about this. Slate published it a few months ago. Haven’t tried it yet though.

Do you mind sharing what they gave you? I’m very down and after several good years on cymbalta I think it’s time for a change.

Thank you for sharing this. This is how I feel as Christian. I try to live by the teachings of Christ. I love my neighbor, I give as much as I can to the food bank, I’m a good steward of the earth, I treat my fellow man with kindness and compassion. The hate that gets spewed from so-called Christian churches sickens

I starred you for that but it’s Opposite Day on Kinja so you lost a star. 🙄

Wha? I’d love to read this if you have a link. Not that I’m surprised he would make his dad’s funeral all about him.