Ragged Claws

Yeah, I’m bad about that, but I do try. Don’t tell Mr. Claws. He teaches English and it would drive hive nuts.

I have I Love Beans on my phone. I sing it every time I make a pot of beans.

Another factor is that they’re usually legal since laws haven’t been passed against them. So you can buy them cheaply and legally. It takes a while for laws to catch up.

Yeah, I definitely could have phrased this better. Oh well!

Give them regular when they asked for decaf!

I want the hat!

I like boned myself.

I’m so sorry your mother did that to you. I’m glad you got away from her and hope your healing continues. Many, many hugs to you.

Or Abradolph Lincler?

Same here. There’s so much great about NC and I’d never want to live elsewhere, but McCrory and our legislature are fucking horrible. I hope tomorrow is a big shake up.

From your mouth (keyboard? fingers?) to God’s ears.

My dad took us trick or treating each year and he always offered me his coat. I always declined even if I was cold because dammit I wanted to look pretty!

Thank you. Get creative and this won’t be as much of an issue.

Hate that! If someone tells you they’re a fainter listen! The last nurse who ignored my warning had to deal with me fainting and throwing up.


Venka creeped me the fuck out!

Ever read the posts on /r/nosleep from the Search and Rescue Officer? Creepy as fuck! But I keep re-reading them and it baffles my husband. Highly recommend!

They’re good dogs, Brent.

Yes! The search and rescue officer on No Sleep. Those are excellent and creepy as fuck. And he/she says never hike alone. Don’t have to tell me twice. After reading those stories I don’t want to be in my small, suburban back yard by myself in broad daylight.

That’s how I’ve always heard it used. It’s really fucked up.