Ragged Claws

No, it means she was born after Roe vs Wade and so she could have been aborted but wasn’t. It’s a stupid and twisted term.

You can sit by me. I’m irrationally annoyed by the colonists being called pilgrims. Not the same thing. Not even the same century.

Reminds of Morty telling Rick that he’s like Hitler “but at least Hitler cared about Germany, or something.”

Oooh. Never thought of it but that’s an excellent point.

That was my immediate thought. They don’t call them the ghost cat for nothing. The dogs picked up on something we can’t and may have saved your life.

I guess she’s never heard of hurricane Hazel.

Thank you! Jesus. I’m in eastern NC. So many people have died, more have lost everything they own and have no homes to return to, and some of our rivers haven’t even crested yet. But in the midst of the biggest disaster since hurricane Floyd he’s getting shitty over god damn bathrooms! I can’t wait to vote this fucker

1940s house was good. I still think of the adult daughter trying to Punic off her leg hair because she couldn’t use a razor for some reason. She wound up taking off a lot of skin. And them selling the bunnies because they couldn’t stand to kill them for food.

It was also dust. They gave them an early version of a vacuum that didn’t do squat. Nertz to the past!

It’s real. From earlier this year after the hurricane in Louisiana. They gave out play-doh and blankets.

They should. She’s under feeding her kids. That’s neglect.

There was! That was a great one.

Thank you! What the fuck is wrong with people?

OMG you're a genius!

What? How the hell does a dr act like PCOS isn't real? Is he a really old doc? Sorry for the questions, but I'm totally baffled by this.

Different issue, but opiates are a lifesaver for me. I can take them or not function. So try to ignore the haters and do what helps you. People without chronic pain just don't get it.

It did just disappear. It started and felt like I was getting a UTI, but then the bad pain started but it was gone the next day. I’m scared it’ll come back.

Possibly. If his charges were pled down to misdemeanors then he may have been able to buy one even with a conviction.

I’ve had vulvodynia before and it’s horrible. It happened at night so no way I could sleep. I spent the night with an ice pack between my legs. I’m sorry you have this all the time. And I’m sorry your docs can't come up with a better possible solution.

Yes! Mr. Claws has been on immunosuppressants for nearly 20 years thanks to lupus. These fuckers terrify me.