
THIS. Land development and asphalt are expensive. Permits and moving dirt (and environmental fees and inspections and and and) costs way more money than people realize. And then actually laying down blacktop is crazy expensive. The $500k talked about in this article would cover a 500 space parking lot, assuming you

This is the story of every plan to build a dedicated autocross facility. Pavement is too damn expensive to lay. Neighbors are too damn fussy about noise and traffic. Land is too damn expensive to just be used on the weekend. Egos and greed get in the way of solid business plans. Now multiply the money and ego problems

I’m pretty tired of turbo lag (even mild) and engines that run out of reasons to keep revving once you’re 80% of the way to redline. It just doesn’t excite me, despite the fact I’m technically going faster

Yeah, sign of the times I guess. Those OG Honda fours were fun to rev, but then again, you also had to rev the hell out of them to get the power. The turbos all develop pretty significant power and torque at way lower revs, just takes some of the old school fun out of it.

Thank god I am not your friend.

A lot of readers have valid, constructive gripes with Bradley’s writing. This guy missed out on the ‘valid’ and ‘constructive’ part though. Also missed on being sane, and coherent.

Who pissed in your oatmeal today?
Lighten up, Francis.

Do you have a personal beef with the author? Did Jalopnik reject your resume? You spew a lot of vitriol for a grown-ass-man... 

Is 228 horses low for a light sports car? Seems like they also fixed the dip and you get peak torque at 3300 instead of 6600 which to me will change the car immensely. 

When the reply to the article is better than the article...

Now playing

Okay, I realize you mean well, but this post is significantly unhelpful in terms of providing useful information. It’s also flat-out wrong in some respects. Did you even trade emails with any helmet standards guys before posting this? I’ll try to address things in an orderly fashion.

As a gun owner, i really cannot agree.

I have more of problem with the dragging part of it, then him shooting him. I am not a gun owner, but I do have a family with kids. If I catch someone in my house ( whether four wheels or traditional definition of a home) I would shoot them. I know every circumstance is different, but I won’t risk that my family could

This story sucks on all levels

Wow is that depressing on every level.

The whole catalytic converter stealing thing is irritating and would be frustrating and it would be nice if the police could figure out a way to curb this by making changes to how people get paid when selling these things.

However, this guy was sleeping in his truck (why?

Z will be 800-1000 lbs heavier. This should be judged vs. the Miata, that's the real competitor.

There needs to be balance. Mr. “Straight Piped My Coyote So You Can Hear Me From Ten Blocks Away” can go live somewhere else. A nice Borla cat-back system? That’s a different story.

To each their own, but I wholeheartedly disagree with leaving a kid in the car. Especially a 4 year old that’s old enough to hop out and join you. It takes less than a minute for someone to steal a car. Even if you can “see your car and kid,” by the time you react, its too late.

America is a nation divided along many lines these days, but I believe we can all come together as one and agree, regardless of race, political leanings, age, or gender, that these new BMW designs are awful. This could be what saves the country from falling apart.

That’s a swivel bench? How cool is that?!