Don't Go, Jason Waterfalls

On that note, I kinda feel like he and Scaramucci should have a Barstool Sports show/morning zoo hackfest called “Cooch and the Mooch.” They’re both exactly that type of asshole

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that their fully assimilated children and grandchildren moved out of those immigrant neighborhoods, and there was no longer a steady flow of people coming from Italy to replace them. Unlike today, when the fully assimilated children and grandchildren of Latino immigrants

Be honest... do you think he actually understands the words that come out of his own mouth?

+1 jumbo fries

I prefer pythons

Just tug on it a bit

I’m looking over that list of YouTube videos and just...man, I dunno how people find the energy to stay *this* mad at so many things all the time.”

Or if you prefer, "помидор"

That would go against his Christian values

Dan Patrick believes that every single person in Texas is a gun totin’, Bible believin’ Trump supportin’ Real American(TM)! And if they’re not, they came from out of state as part of a dastardly left wing plot to ruin the great state of Texas.

And who started the de-institutionalization? Ronald “Monkeys” Reagan.

We did. It’s called Obamacare. Mental health coverage is included in that. And you guys call it socialist, whine about your taxes, sabotage it at every turn, and want it completely destroyed.

If we actually tried to do mental health reform, they’d call it socialist.  Angry white dudes would complain about their taxes being raised.  Mitch would never allow it to come to the floor

Both Ed Reed and Randy Moss had already retired by the time players started kneeling.  Moss in 2012, and Reed in 2013.

Is it me, or does it seem like the professional Kinja trolls always name themselves after food?

This is an excellent point.  Their grovelling before Dolt 45 is in large part about self preservation.  Plus, this is an easy way to say, "See?  We don't lick his balls *all* the time!"  Then they'll all fall back into line as he tosses out some old Bush era neocon who will then get together with John Botlon to march

I know that’s fake cause it says “great words” instead of “great tits”

Romostradamus was quite recently mocking the people who were shot and killed at the Gilroy Garlic Festival