Gonzo the Something

$1,000 says you don't have kids and haven't spent much extended time with/in control of kids.

It's actually not. Shade generally requires WORDS for the umpteenth time. It's like a backhand compliment. Unless you mean literal shade in which yes, it must be nice and cool behind that fan.


She says she's not a Republican:

His comedy is definitely dark.

believes that soon, tech will allow our rich people's consciousnesses to live forever longer than the average human.

Absolutely! Voting is not just a once every four years occurrence, it reflects your values. Someone who votes Republican is voting against choice, is supporting the NRA, values corporations and CEO's over people and employees, denies science when it comes to climate change and evolution, and THE LIST GOES ON. He may

Yeah I find the idea of eternal mindclones disturbing. It was also the plot to Caprica.

Transhumanism is interesting, but sometimes I wonder how much of it is borne from an unwillingness to acknowledge that we (individually and collectively) are all going to disappear someday.

My prediction is that if we ever create artificial minds, one of the first things they'll discover is how to delete each other.

WHAT???? NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Seriously, though, that's fucking depressing. How could he be a republican? It makes as much sense as being a log cabin republican.

Not only that, but he has really weird reasons for it, and kind of goes the condescending "real grownups are Republicans" route.

I like this guy onscreen. Is it only me, though, or is recovery-speak almost incomprehensible to the layperson? "I'm conscious of my own participation in seizing the similarities": huh?

Fixed it for you :)

So that's why I put it on the dick with a bunch of babies, and it says, 'Fuck.' I try to think about everything so it has a story to me."

The style is oddly reminiscent of certain . . . investments I made back in the early nineties.

Well, sure, and like I said, it wasn't a theory I subscribed to, even after considering the evidence people cited, until book 7. I'm just saying, there really were a fair number of people who insisted there was canonical evidence for Dumbledore being gay at least as far back as book 3, so while there's undoubtedly