Gonzo the Something

I didn't *always* know, but I thought the whole story about his youth and his history with that other wizard made it super obvious he was gay. I felt he was clearly in love with the guy, and it colored all of their interactions. However, if one isn't used to looking for that sort of thing or examining relationships

Nicholas Flamel was married to a woman who it seemed like he was pretty happy with, otherwise how could they stand spending 800+ years together. I think in this case "partner" just meant partner in their work with alchemy and friend. With Grindelwald the mutual attraction was obvious because Dumbledore made moral

I'm gay and didn't notice it at all. And can't help but think that all this stuff is retrospective 'I knew it all along!' - even JK Rowling didn't know until she decided to write it in.

But that wasn't what that meant. They were professional partners; Flamel was married.

Well I think it's a bit more complex than that - she wrote an open letter saying why she was against independence, which was primarily that she is skeptical Scotland can maintain the levels of medical research it has now ( she has donated a fuckton of money to various medical research) as well as whether the welfare

I wasn't really 'surprised', but I do tend not to consider most people as being gay or straight and instead having the potential for either but being asexual or bisexual with no love interests, until something indicates otherwise. I'm bisexual though, so.. probably just projecting on my account. That said, Dumbledore

Are you being facetious? The first book also mention's Nicolas's Flamel's wife, Pernelle.

Exactly, there was no way to know because we rarely heard about most character's love lives, if at all. I'm sure if she had said McGonagall was a lesbian everyone in here would be like YEAH I ALWAYS KNEW, SUPER OBVIOUS FROM DAY ONE.

Yes. To me Dumbledore was basically my grandpa and therefore he never kissed (when I picked the books up in fifth grade) or later had sex with ANYONE.

Almost like they're trying to one-up everyone with how awesome their gaydar is, and how accepting they were for being ok with it?


I know that, yes. If you pay close attention, you'll see my writing is a mix of English conventions, and my English speaking friends hail from all over the world. I've had plenty of discussions concerning the c-word, as well as other words. I don't consider any gendered insult to be mild. I don't use the b-word as a

"A homophobic half-elf? He must have been raised by his human parent, as I always imagined elves to be fairly progressive folk."

I'll admit I never thought Dumbledore was gay, but then again I never considered the sexuality/relationship status of any of the characters unless a relationship was mentioned.

where do you get "nuke the internet" from what I wrote?

I know, right!? She's not drinking enough water or something.

Besides being irresponsible and bad role models and endangering their kids, what kind of pathetic underdeveloped 37-year-old wants to party with a bunch of 14-year-olds? Like, what would you even talk about? I'm 27 and here's the extent of my conversation with 14-year-olds:


Dear god, that girl is so lucky, there are so many ways this could've gone horribly wrong.