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    I don’t know how they can pass the mantle to Shuri in a meaningful way without Chadwick. If they recast, I think they should give the new actor a few movies.

    “Those little kids should grow a pair."

    Deranged people love them.

    Wow, now that you mentioned it, her character on Cheers dreamed about having a date with Trump.

    They sould’ve stick with “when it’s ready”.

    Could’ve been worse.

    A good chunk of Watchmen is dedicated to show how Dr Manhattan slowly looses his humanity and gains it back in the end.

    Batman is the world's dumbest detective.

    Neither is really that. Batman is not that smart and the Joker always follows pretty elaborate plans.

    But Watchmen did use it for an artistic reason.

    Some games are not about improving but understanding how the game wants you to play it, and that’s really frustrating,

    Really? Any person with half a brain would have realized the “news” about Antifa starting fires was fake news. Do you need an assistant to check that out? A quick 5 minutes google search would’ve been enough.

    Yeah, I mean, this kind of people are exactly the ones they want to recruit. They’re doing a good if nefarious job.

    Did you ever used a fountain pen? They’re worth every penny.

    Did you ever used a fountain pen? They’re worth every penny.

    It looks like they nailed the look but screw the characterization for Illyana.

    Chances we’re against it. When was the last time a good X-Men movie came out?

    The actor is Brazilian. If he was unbelievable playing a Brazilian he should quit acting.

    They’re even inconsistent about his grey streak.

    Agents of (not) SHIELD

    That’s the reason he was by himself in that theater, they wouldn’t risk it.