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    I think Carrell’s last season was pretty bad already. It was time to end it anyway. On a recent rewatch I noticed some seasons were 26-28 episodes long, by season 7 they were running out of things to do. (In my opinion, seasons 2 to 6 are some of the best comedy ever.)

    But it’s a plus for the podcast, precisely because we always get second rate hosts. I’m not planning to listen to either, but if I had to choose I would 100% go with hers.

    It makes sense for movies, not so much for tv shows.

    The Wildstorm line beyond Jim Lee’s characters was truly great. Ellis with Authority (Hitch), Planetary (Cassaday), Desolation Jones (J.H. Williams III). BKV with his first hit, Ex Machina. Brubaker & Phillips, now legends, started there with Sleeper. The ABC sub-imprint! They had the best writers and artists doing

    Imagine if she replaces Vin Diesel as Groot.

    When you pay for the refreshments, you get to eat them, too.

    Facebook should be the priority then.

    So accurate it’s depressing.

    I think I’m in the minority here but I enjoyed a lot the Parks and Rec special, while this one was a huge letdown.

    “What It’s About in One Sentence: A high school student enters a fighting tournament to decide who exactly is the god of high school.”
    That’s the most generic premise I’ve ever heard.

    I’m not sure those shows can exist as anything other than “copaganda”. If you take that out, there´s nothing much left.

    It makes sense to judge them for the last thing they did.

    I’d like to see what are they going to do about Lord of the Rings.

    I know some people disagree but the Fallout games let you switch from 1st to 3rd and I think it works perfectly. I like aiming in 1st and roaming in 3rd. Cyberpunk looks like a game where the 3rd person would’ve been useful.

    The core of the story (and what’s worth reading) is a trilogy. Though if Hari Seldon is a main character in the show, they’ll probably going to adapt the later added prequel novels were he’s more prominent.

    Maybe it's because Batfleck's movies were really bad. Though Keaton's Batman movies were pretty bad too, a lot of people love them.

    I think some people wouldn’t vote for him if he was openly, explicitly racist. Instead, he does this thing where it’s obvious he is, but he never admits it, then doubles down saying he’s the best that ever happen to black people. His base is voting him anyway, and the left isn’t, but those in the middle are the ones

    Wouldn’t that make it easier for HBO? I mean, they already knew what to do. Netflix made it from scratch.

    It’s like when an American sports team wins a tournament, they are declared the “world champions”, as if teams from every nation were competing or something. They can’t do that with football-soccer, and when an actual World Cup is played, they don’t watch it. I think football-soccer will keep growing and eventually

    I feel like or definitions of”great” won’t match, but I’d like to hear what shows you consider were that good.