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    He wasn’t, but in the books he's a blond man with blue dyed hair, they were probably against that change.

    Challenge accepted


    I mean, he named the villain of his book "Villanelle".

    I think you misspelled “best”.

    Thanks, I thought I was going crazy, this article doesn’t make any sense. Feels like they wanted that headline so they had to force their way through some quotes that said the opposite of what the article suggests.

    Books for kids, ages 8 to 12. The next step is Young Adult.

    There was no need, either.

    That's even more insulting.

    IMO it’s a trope that still has not reached its cliche phase.


    I still kind of feel he always plays the same character. Clearly it's not based on his real life personality.

    Sad to see so many people commenting how much they don’t like The Office in a post about a specific scene from the show. What were they expecting when they opened the article?

    I hate people when check their phones at the theater. But Ridley Scott is using “millennials” as an excuse for a movie that flopped. People didn’t even went to the theater in this case.

    You have one friend too many.

    I agree with other comments, it’s nothing special until mid season 2, maybe even season 3. It starts as a pretty conventional sitcom, then it slowly gets better and better, more Seinfeld-y. Seasons 4 through 7 are peak TV.

    4. Quitting Twitter


    The dumb episodes used to be funny. Not anymore.