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    I’ve worked in animation studios and, in my experience, it’s exactly as you said.

    Agree 100%. The official one is just creepy.

    It’s the same actor and the same character, but his story will be different from what we’ve seen in AOS.

    When they have the “not today” dialogue, it was clear to me that Arya was going to kill the Night King. I mean like, it killed the twist to me.

    Endgame was a great payoff for 11 years of movies. This episode, in contrast, was very weak at that. I know it’s not the end of the show, but the White Walkers came and went without doing much after so much buildup.

    Infinity War was B- to me, but Endgame deserves an A-.

    I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a joke, because there’s nothing about space-malls in the comic adaptation, at least.

    The comic “Alien 3: The unproduced screenplay” published by Dark Horse last year doesn’t include space-malls, but there definitely are space communist. And it’s rather good.

    Mignola already said he wasn’t involved in any capacity at least since the movie was greenlit.

    I strongly agree with everything you said, except, Hellboy comics have lots of fans. You can’t publish a comic for 20+ years, across several titles made by a lot of writers and artists, without a strong core of fans. That said, I guess the producers for this Hellboy movie must have assumed that comics fans and the old

    Well, we have Cerveza Patagonia in Argentina. This local beer is made with Patagonian hop, so it’s not just marketing. It’s a Quilmes brand, a company owned by AB. So I guess they’re just trying to use this brand in the American market.

    Did you watch Supersonic? It’s something like that but covers only the first three years of Oasis (and their childhood together).

    I think the “dressing as a bat and punching criminals” worked better when the character first appeared, in a more pulpy context. But they keep trying to make him both modern and realistic. I just don’t buy that if you’re a billionaire that wants to make his city a better place, the best way to invest your time and

    Spoilers, maybe, but that is basically what Doctor Strange does to beat the villain.

    I recommend Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky, a recent movie with a self-contained story, great characters, and awesome animation & music.

    I think your dad is an exception. Most people at almost 90 years can barely walk.

    There are some elements from B.P.R.D. comics too. Maybe it’s that.

    I guess some people take any accusation against FIFA as an attack on the sport itself, but I thought it was common knowledge that FIFA was corrupt. It’s been run by crooks for decades now.

    Why would anyone do that?

    Exactly, though Annenberg does say that when you have a POC director, you have more POC actors, same with women directors. I think it’s a matter of screen time and roles rather than inclusion itself, and the problem starts at the top. Opening the article with that “12%” quote sounds like troll bait, and it diminishes