

Because the Obamas are the same brand of Centrist vultures cashing in on their brand as any other political dinosaurs celebrated blindly by neolibs and bootlickers with the same blind loyalty as MAGA chuds. Expecting their stans to find any flaw is like asking a dead civilian in the Middle East to be unbombed by an

Would it be too much for her to ask her delightful, role-model, hubby Barack why he spent more effort making sure Bernie didn’t get the nomination that he did speaking out against Trump?

That Alec Baldwin/Woody Allen interview was unreal. This Baldwin guy seems like he might be kind of an a-hole. (Also when did Allen start speaking like a cartoon impression of himself)

I think your perception of how podcasts are listened too is the problem. No one is just sitting down and listening. We are doing dishes or laundry, working out, commuting, doing our jobs.

I don’t get the outrage of 7K adopting Rohrshach as their mask. It absolutely fits the character from the comics, who enjoyed his moral superiority over anyone he thought was beneath him.  And while I suspect Rohrshach would have looked down on the 7K, it makes sense they’d have been drawn to him.

Agree 100%. Before that finale I would have embraced a Season 2. But now? No, I’m fine. This was a very satisfying ending and I really like the ambiguity. 

Imagine my disappointment when Keene’s speech mirrored almost word for word what my college-educated friends told me this weekend; that they were suspicious of a show like Watchmen because whose agenda is it serving really? idk maybe the agenda of people trying to be more open and empathetic?

Laurie mentioned Angela’s husband was a hottie back when they first met, I chuckled to myself and wondered how crazy it would be if Cal was Manhattan. Crazy indeed. 

“no I don’t think you’re becoming a vapid self centered idiot.”

A few observations. The title is taken from the comic, where it’s said that the NVA soldiers often wanted to surrender to Dr Manhattan personally and held him in “an almost religious awe”.

Oh, I don’t think that she’s an influencer. The big reveal at the end of the ad is that all the videos we’ve seen so far are part of a larger video diary... THAT SHE’S GIVING TO HER HUSBAND AS A GIFT!

I’m thinking all the Saturn Veidt stuff is actually in the past, and that meteor we saw in the opening earlier in the episode was him returning to earth having already escaped Saturn land. (Only to likely be captured by Trieu).

And since they’re re-running the same GMC commercial from last year, this means they bought each other THE EXACT SAME watches and GMCs they bought each other last year!

I get angry every time I see the house in the GMC commercial with the couple in their late 20s/ early 30s living in a million dollar modern mansion and he buys them matching GMCs because her matching watches for the hell of it. Who is this supposed to appeal to? 

I hate how aspirational this commercial is.

The coup de grâce really is at the end when they are watching her old Peloton workout videos on the couch as if that’s completely normal.

OK people are not getting the elephant thing. Yes, the elephant is a hard drive of sorts.

Did anyone think Angela’s Grandpa’s memories where being downloaded to the elephant like it was a giant flash drive because elephants have great memory?

I normally don't like when Doughboys guests take the piss out of the show, but Hayes and Sean are so charming, I could have them guest every week and be happy.