
What podcast is it that has the song that goes like this:

Oh, so sorry you millionaires get to live a life of celebrity and comfort... 

Obama threatened if Bernie was getting too much traction that he would intervene. And he did.
After Nevada (which Bernie won) all the other candidates dropped out, endorsing Biden on the way out. Almost instantaneously  Clyburn made it clear that the black vote should go for Biden.
After that Bernie was toast.
So yeah,

How much money do these people need? They’re fucking set. Just go off and hang out with your Billionaire friends Obama, we don’t need you anymore. 

And asking us to care about her low grade depression after their neoliberal policies led us to Donald Trump is beyond the pale.

Fuck the Obamas. They should be depressed. They explicitly bailed out Wall Street over Main Street, and we’re still feeling the affects. 

During a boring global pandemic they could only find 3 podcasts to review?

Here’s some suggestions for people:

FWIW: Meet my Friends the Friends is really quite funny. 

Oh yeah, I miss LPOTL... 

Geez, that woman has a great ass. 

Geez, I hope this season is coherent because my spouse is def gonna make me watch it all. 

Two thoughts:

They are dripping with sarcasm and the smug little comments and digs that they throw in are hilarious in my opinion. But like you said, not for everyone.

A lot of weird stuff came out this year.

Personally, I found Death Stranding to be quite fun. I really liked working with the other porters to make the world better and much more traversable. 

Yeah, I was at a a potluck over the weekend, talking about how fun and thought provoking this show is, and a guy who used to be chill (until he bought a house) just couldn’t get over that they “made my favorite character into a white supremacist.”

Time for me to get some new friends... 

This was a season finale, not a series finale. I’d be shocked if they don’t get more seasons.

So, at the very end, when Vince sees Frankie, and is led to the train by his brother. Was that saying that he was about to die?

It sure looked like an escorted walk to the underworld to me. 

I haven’t checked back in since the end of the last season. I guess you think it’s good enough to deserve attention again? 

Yeah, I think the shadowy Hollywood figures were correct here. I wouldn’t have gone to see Joker if it was a part of a new DC: Black multiverse. It would have just felt too corny. 

real bummer of an episode. god, The Deuce has always been a sad show, but watching Lori kill herself..... Just didn’t want to see that.

Chewed up, and spit out.

Logan Roy: What is the average cost for a gallon of milk?