
I watched Avengers and this episode yesterday.

It all feels so unearned. 8 Seasons of GOT, and then the writers just give us a huge battle scene, and what..... The last 8 years of this show are wiped away? In the end, who fucking cares about the white walkers then?

No spoilers, but there was nothing particularly

Landlords are inherently parasitic. That extra money they earn is coming directly out of a poor person’s wallet.

What the hell? This is so confusing.

Maybe he was entrapped somehow? 

Hey Lucille, are you excited for the final season of Game of Thrones? Do you still vehemently believe that Lady Stoneheart is returning?

you can count on showtime to let a program keep going about 5 seasons longer than it should.

No reference to the untimely death of Intern Succ? 

yeah, the far right on the internet has been very effective at poisoning disaffected young people, especially gamers.

Thankfully the more left leaning people on youtube are starting to learn the vocabulary to fight back. Contrapoints is great for that.

Me too. I ask every shrink or therapist about this and they never have a good answer. 

I didn’t know about the Watership Down show. As a child the book terrified me, but also at times gave me little boy boners, which to this day I don’t understand. 

It’s the hero we all need in 2018: Dexter. 

That lab really brings the worst out in Gus.

You’re always down Jimmy.

The Smashmouth/Hurt made me giggle. 

I like your idea.

Good point, the Republicans had their tea party and effectively moved the Overton window further to the right than it has ever been in my lifetime.

The Dems are starting to move to the left, but they should have been fighting back for a long time, but they thought that if they gave in on social issues and acted like

Unhinged comment: Our country’s culture was destroyed along with the twin towers on 9/11.

I don’t know, Velvet Underground still seem pretty relevent to me. 

Oh yeah, those Plane-walkers are dueling. 

You guys want to know something bizarre? Alan Moore (The Watchmen) and Grant Morrison (The Invisibles) are both practitioners of Magic.

But one uses Chaos Magic/Left Hand Path (Morrison), and one (Moore)uses the very orderly cermonial/traditional Magic, or Right Hand Path.

And they have hated each other over this for

As usual Hardcore History was compelling all the way through it’s 4.5 hour runtime.