
The books are bad at keeping coherent timelines.

You would think she'd get bored.

They all have sprained right ankles and have been walking in circles unknowingly for 6 years.

I guess showing Theon alive and showing that Yara still has some Greyjoys loyal to her is some sort of foreshadowing.

Euron sucks. I can't wait for Cersei or Jaime to stab him in the back.

Urine wants her for something.

Littlefinger seemed borderline mystical during that little lecture he gave. Also, he was giving her this super-intense look the whole time.

One could make the argument that you didn't see either Ellaria or Tyene die.

Think of it like Scotland and England.

Any predictions for what's next for Jorah?

Watching this show and all the temporal weirdness makes me think of Lord of the Rings, and how Tolkien tried his level best to have time frames that made sense.

Alright, dummy question: how does Jon Snow have a Valyrian Steel sword again? Eddard's sword was taken by Tywin.

Not unlike Cersei's rise to power

Not unlike Cersei.

And that her rabid hatred of Tyrion was self-fueling, and she imprisoned him unnecessarily.

Cersei is the big-bad right now, but she won't be the final big-bad.

I did until now. That scene was weird…

I know that after this episode we may never hear from Dorne again, but just humor me for a second: Who runs Dorne now?

I know Rivers appears in Dunk and Egg, but is it ever actually confirmed that he's the 3 eyed raven? @disqus_g9ca9Es5D1

But he really just needs to tell her about Jon's lineage.