A 5 for Reflektor? Unduly harsh indeed.
Gosh, I feel like the exact same about this band as I do about Cloud Nothings (who also released an album very recently): Like I've outgrown them.
I saw these guys at Cat's Cradle for the "Here and Nowhere Else" tour and they were great.
Man, the first few times I listened to Wasted Days just blew me away. And the ferocity of Pattern Walks was amazing too.
These guys had an enjoyable album 2 or 3 years ago, and then their double album was a flaming pile of garbage.
So Archie started writing that awful music because he's into his teacher, right?
Yeah, his music definitely reminded me of Hurley's awful songs from Twin Peaks.
I wonder how she feels about Angel Olsen and Fiona Apple.
Shitting on the Philly everything is practically a national pastime.
I'm not a Gang-Star.
My back and neck hurt from my crappy office chair :(
You're a loose cannon.
What bands constitute sad-sack male navel gazing per se? Looks at my ipod for nominations:
There's too much music these days to know everything, don't feel bad.
As an Eagles fan I can't stand to listen to Aikman's analysis. I still feel like the dude hates Philly.
Pittsburgh scoring 17? Seems too low
Steelers Chiefsā¦. Whoever wins goes to the Superbowl and trounces Dallas.
What's your beef with the Americans?