Gonna Kick Tomorrow

You just don’t have your MIND open to the POSSIBILITIES, man! I can’t concretely explain those possibilities or justify why they can’t exist without blockchain, but I will use words like “new economy” and “unprecedented sea change in digital ownership” and talk about finally giving artists their fair share” in ways

It’s the latest ponzi scheme.

you’ll want to sit down for this

Here come the Crytapologists!

fits your narrative”

Rodgers and Woodley are like the Great Value Tom Brady and Giselle.

She believes you should eat clay to deionize your body, so they sound pretty perfect for each other.

A few notes:

There have been “zero long-term studies” about *anything* vaccine-related, because, well, the vaccine hasn’t been around for a long time. That’s just not a valid argument. There aren’t any truly “long-term” studies about COVID-19 itself, either, but some of the potential complications we’re beginning to see are

I assume Woodley is the person who convinced him it might hurt their babies.

What my daddy said decades ago is absolutely true: you can take a piece of something and use it to prop up any dumb thing you do. I hate how every stupid white man always pulls MLK out of his ass as a defense for his stupidity.

I really didn’t think it was possible for me to dislike this bag of dicks more than I already did...well, now I do.  Everything he said has a scientific, proven, counter point.  And he consulted Joe Fucking Rogan????  JFC

I want to know what Shailene Woodley has to say about all this. She’s allegedly a pretty politically progressive person (e.g. she was a vocal supporter of the Dakota Access Pipeline protesters) but is also quite woo-woo when it comes to medical stuff (daily sunbathing for her vagina), so I have no clue where she falls

If the vaccine actually caused sterility/infertility, it would never have been approved, or even if it had, women wouldn’t be allowed to get it without their husband’s permission.

To my knowledge there’s been zero long-term studies around sterility or fertility issues around the vaccine so that was definitely something I was worried about,””

To my knowledge there’s been zero long-term studies around whether the vaccine makes you swell up into a giant blueberry just like Violet Beauregarde so

Definition of woke mob . . I guess:

I also go to Joe Rogan for medical advise.

If you are declining the Covid vaccine because you think it will make you sterile, you shouldn’t be reproducing.

Those Mystic belugas are weirder than your seagoing kind.

It’s subtle, but I think Fecebook would work pretty well.