Wow, so much lies and misinformation here. It wasn’t Kenny Loggins who sang on ‘Islands In The Stream’, it was Kenny Rogers.
Wow, so much lies and misinformation here. It wasn’t Kenny Loggins who sang on ‘Islands In The Stream’, it was Kenny Rogers.
May 4????!!!!
Out of the 4 main categories of mask/no mask wearers, he would fall under the “doesn’t understand the science”. The other 3 being “doesn’t believe in science”(not wearing a mask), “believes in science”(wears mask around nose/mouth), and “believes in magic” (mask around the chin).
Good riddance to this awful pedophile.
He’s not wearing his mask properly in the drawing.
Cool. Now put Bill Cosby back in jail.
I live in the same county. I’ve seen Spencer around the area exactly once, at a speaking event in WF by former skinhead Christian Picciolini. He was sitting up in the balcony by himself, and I kept trying to figure out if it was really him or not. Picciolini called him out during the Q&A, as described in this…
Exactly this.
I will never, ever get sick of this clip.
I’ll bet he could find places in Montana where his ideas were popular, but just like Trump he has nothing but disdain for the people who actually like his views.
Aaaaaahhhhh...I can watch it forever. Like a drink of cool water on a hot and racist day.
I personally don’t really “get” the idea of royals, or why I should care about any of them. That said, from what I can see Harry and Meghan seem to be some of the less offensive of the lot of them.
Where the fuck are all those “my body my choice” anti-maskers, anti-vaxers now?
I remember looking at a post from a former work acquaintance, who started his whole post with “I’m not a native Texan, but....” He went on to rant about some arch-conservative position, then tout one of the 27 new contenders for the Governorship more loonie than Abbot (who is, no surprise, a native of New Jersey just…
If the Supreme Court only ruled based on legal precedent, yes it would be. BUT the orange turd and his enablers in the Senate put unqualified anti-choice scum on the court. So now the ruling will be based on feelings and making Jebus happy.
Forget about the whole bs about deputizing private citizens to do the government’s work ... which is outrageously transparent ... how is the law not simply unconstitutional on the “six week” period on it’s surface?
That is why court reform is so important and the rotating terms could work, assuming we also fix gerrymandering and the electoral college. Obama a two-term Democratic president has 2 members on the court, Trump a one-term Republican has 3. Under a term reform Obama would have twice the seats on the court as Trump. And…
The GQP wants a rubber stamp Supreme Court. That will allow them to pass laws that hurts everyone who isn’t white, “Christian”, “straight”, and rich and it will all be legal.
Court reform!!! Seriously that is our only option. I saw this as a civil rights litigator. We are doomed otherwise. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of expanding the court, there are other court reform proposals out there, like rotating term limits that would allow each presidency to get justices on the court.…