
Now, if we just had auction houses in GTA....

Warcraft 3 explains 90% of World of Warcraft lore. Highly recommended if you want to understand the history of the game.

My grandpa, God rest his soul, had a “stiffening” Parksonism disease. (One that would cause everything to not move, instead of wobbling around.)

Dailies are ok, but some of them are absurd, like:

You can steal cars from the streets and sell them at Los Santos Customs without any event or CEO business, truly organic GTA style.

Doesn’t team battle royale already exist?

- Can I grab a combine by the leg and beat another with it?

I always bought my cars based on how long they would last, not on how much I would get back when selling them.

Big rigs have had air compressors for generations now. What concerns truckers are catastrophic blowouts, more than keeping the correct air pressure.

Oh yes, Interstate 76 deserved a re-mastering. Giving people mouths and such. But the code was buggy as all hell. It belongs to Activision, however, so you never know. This game did not age well. You can see all the 20 years on top of it.

I wonder if Blizzard knew all this stuff, because World of Warcraft refers almost directly to every single Lovecraftian deity...

Nobody makes 7-band EQ for cars anymore? Is that so hard?

Boosting is hollow and stupid, and only serves to hardcore raiders that are changing servers and have a free boost instead of paying for a character move.

Oh no, don’t you worry, I saw the evolution of that motor on wikipedia...

What in the hell is athl...

A V10 that drinks harder than Grandpa...

It is even worse on RPGs that you have dexterity, agility, and their derivatives, as chance to hit, chance to evade, and cast time.

Having your sniper-rifle dead-eyed on someone’s head and miss is a bad thing. Pure bad design.

1. No Man’s Sky was in Beta for... 2 years after release? 3 years until it could fulfill the promises of the release day?

I love mods. After Skyrim (trust me on this) the game that most benefits from mods is Farm Simulator.