Gone Elsewhere.

@briardahl: Depends who you know really.

Isn't it just cheaper to buy a fucking bottle of NyQuil and a box of old school Sudafed than a case of this?

You're right mom! Putting the sticker on my jacket definitely hides the stain from where I dumped mustard on it from eating that hotdog!

Uhm, Jez ate my comment!

Or, you know, they could just wear condoms and insist that they and their partners get tested regularly.

A friend in NY described dating to me in this manner once. I believe her words were, "If you want a real relationship in NYC, you have to import the man from elsewhere."

@tell Dolly Parton again: I would like to ammend that. Apologize without justification. No, buts, excuses, or whatever. Simply, "I'm sorry, I was wrong/made an error in judgement/whatever."

@TeenageGangDeb: As much as I enjoy dressing up (minus ties, I still hate ties), my job usually requires me to perform duties that would destroy "nice" clothing. Hell, I get angry when I ruin/rip/stain a pair of khakis, let alone a pair of jeans.

@MissCricket: I wish they'd drop the election for a week. Just one week. Please!

@NOLAgirl: I was in the audience in Iowa when Dean freaked out on stage. I honestly felt he would have been a better candidate. I still do, even if he is prone to freaking out at times.

@Blanche2.0: Actually, I tend to think more along the lines of, "That kid's parents need to make her pet on some clothes and educate her."

@NefariousNewt: Walt was too much of a control freak to ever let that go over. He did, however, get involved in Annette's bathing suit choice in one movie. He asked her to wear a one piece.

@NOLAgirl: I liked, and voted for Kerry. I did not like Bush as a person (still don't), or for his political leanings. It was Kerry's behavior after the election that irked me as childish. He pretty much shot his own presidential career in the foot after that.

@KimberleeJ: What was the one about Steve Forbs' book about a fictional election in which Teve Torbs was the hero against evil Dob Bole, and I forget Bill's alter ego name. They were all in a debate, and Bob Dole says, "Teve Torbs, tuck off!"

@BlowJoy: For me what sealed the political fate of Bill, and Hillary, was watching Bill's handlers direct that sandbags in a flood zone be emptied and piled up so that the press could take photos of Bill filling the sandbags and "pitching in" to help. This all was going on while we were unloading flatbed after

@KimberleeJ: Actually, Al Gore has done quite a bit to help people. That whole, "I invented the internets!" bit? He had a huge role in expanding the internet and evolving it into its current form. Without his legislative work, [Jezebel.com] would likely not exist.

@ferociacoutura: Honestly, I think I'd respect her more if she acted like "an arrogant bitch who thinks she's entitled to the nomination" due to the hard work she has put into her own political career as well as her husband's.

@SarahMC: Bob Dole. I cold not in good conscience vote for a man who referred to himself in the third person. He was very unlikable.

@myrtlebeachbum: Right, and these dances also do nothing to educate boys on how to properly respect a girl's choices, or even to make such a choice themselves.