Gone Elsewhere.

@Al Navarro: We find people who preach "purity" "abstinence" etc distasteful, because it fails to address educating your child of their options should they "unfortunately" choose to not be abstinent. We also find people who sexualize children in general distasteful.

@SarahMC: While I may not like HRC personally, I think it's great that she's done as well as she has against a minority candidate as dynamic as Obama. They both provide important messages to women, men, minorities, whatever, that if you do work hard and sell your soul like McCain did, you too can be a

@braak: What are you talking about, in another year it will be legal to...

@amoureuse will take the jerk over jesus: The problem is, your standard for feminists isn't a universal standard. If you refuse to question, disagree, denigrate, or belittle someone based upon things you do not agree with, then when is it acceptable to question a woman's judgment, motivations, and choices?

@TheGuvnah: I just want to vote for him because he has better fashion taste than Hillary. Duh!

@BlowJoy: I find it interesting that people were exclaiming how amazing it was that Bill managed to capture the energy and attention of young and first-time voters over and over again. Something that HRC has completely failed to do, over, and over again. Does she and her husband suddenly feel that this isn't

@R-Star: Right, they're also taxed higher, and their vehicles are not required to adhere to the pollution standards that the US requires. There is a reason they drive a lot of vehicles w/ diesel engines.


Uhm, Bush comparing Barack to someone willing to appease Hitler, not Hitler. Please do a little better fact checking. I really don't like Bush, but he's full of enough obvious bullshit without people making crap up.

It's so good to see LiLo taking on the plight of women with cold legs everywhere! Go LiLo, you cold leg activist you!

@marin79: Actually, what they mean is that the US Dollar could fall far enough to be worth only $200 per ounce of gold.

@battleaxonista: Who wears a pantsuit to bed though? Did she just stumble in to the white house at 3:00 AM after a night of binge drinking, and accidently picked up the phone meaning to order a pizza? Do cylons do this?

@gherkinfiend: I was actually completely sober through college. I didn't pick up drinking until after I had left.

@lolacat(ΩΜ): Eh, it isn't like the guy is likely the hottest thing on the planet either. I could use to lose about 35 lbs or so, and readily admit this. But the food baby (belly) demands swiss cake rolls!

@Archetype: Yeah, last time it happened I just kind of picked girl up and set her back in her seat next to me without saying a word. Tiny thing she was. GF was busy talking with her brother about Jenga rules to notice.

@RyanB: That's the catch. Being the type of person I am, I'm more than OK just being the designated driver. Or, designated cab hailer. I'm usually the soberest of the bunch...often found drinking water and/or soda.

@Archetype: Oh I know. Usually regardless of their physical attractiveness, they're so not my type. If you open your mouth, and utter something possibly often heard in a trailer park or on Springer. Out you go.

@PinkSoxHat: There are a lot of women who use this excuse even well beyond college. I refer to it as the "I'm only bi when I'm drunk." phenomenon.