Gone Elsewhere.

@ronaldpagan: Hitting anyone 100% of the time, especially in the heat of the moment, while firing repeatedly, is very difficult.

@J.D.Regent: I don't think it was a de-escalation issue. I think there was confusion and unclear circumstance. If you bump a cop with your car, they're going to likely draw their weapon. Even if it's an accident.

@ceejeemcbeegee (AKA!): Actually, I've found some of them to be the most racist people I've ever met, in that they loathe even their own race.

@ronaldpagan: 5 officers, with guns that hold 10+ rounds each, and they're taught to empty the clip once they start firing. It's basic police proceedure across the country.

@briardahl: I see, so any cause that someone chooses to protest is somehow worthy of being OK to break laws, endanger the safety of others?

@ronaldpagan: Actually, marches that disrupt traffic usually are coordinated with municipalities ahead of time. You can file permits for protest routes, get police escorts to ensure safety of the marches, and allow people to plan around disruptions in their lives. For all we know an ambulance couldn't get somewhere to

@Megan Carpentier: And why keep spending it when the economy is getting worse? Why not say, "Enough" and start returning unspent funds to those who sent them in?

@blackbirdfly: Allegedly one of the patrons in the group said, "yo, get my gun and kill that dumb white bitch" as they were leaving. Cops overheard this. Then something bad happened.

SM, as a male Jez reader/poster I find your articles to be informative and really in no way inflammatory. If you managed to educate even one person about sex, I think you've done a wonderful job.

Did you actually bother to READ the article? They weren't arrested for praying, or protesting, but for blocking traffic.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

He's a cowboy! In a steel taxi he rides! He's wantin! Waaaaaantin! A taxi to ride!

I'm suddenly picturing the black web being worn in The Producers.

@Begorrah: Somehow I imagine that has to be more painful for men due to the nature of skin involved. =|

@radleyas: So, you're going to judge a man for a decision that was likely made for him by others when he was born?

@2Winners: Doesn't work if all traffic needs to pass through a proxy to get to the outside world. At that point, you simply get nowhere.

@tscheese: Are you talking about people being stabbed repeatedly with an ivory horn?

@Xavoc: However, that was likely before they started being required and were provided resperator gear.

@mepo: I'm pretty sure they have, if not just received outright compensation from the company they worked for.