Gone Elsewhere.

It always bums me out when people with talent feel the need to destroy themselves. I'm not a fan of her music, but she does have skills.

"Officer asked me if I had any needles or sharp objects in my pocket and I said 'No, no, no'"

@katastic: Depends upon how dedicated you are to rhythm gymnastics, or how creepy you are...

@emandem: Uhm, it's really not that hard. Considering it's mostly water and you can drink that much water in a day with no issue.

Is Paris going to trade the baby in for a smaller, cuter model when it no longer fits in her purse as an accessory? Or will she only adopt very teeny midget babies specialy bred to fit said purse?

@MsDirector: She forgot her sword and tri-corner hat in the trunk. The feathers are for the hat, to complete her 3 Musketeers costume for the super hero themed party.

@rocknrollunicorn: But is the reason Smith Jared is smothered, because he got up to use the restroom and on the return trip his feet became entangled in the rabbit's cord and he fell?

I can't even look at magazine racks anymore, it's like a condensed version of commercials that tell me what's wrong with me and everyone else on the planet. It's depressing.

@SarahMC: God forbid you miscarry. They'll start launching investigations into whether or not you did it on purpose, then charge you with murder, and likely give you the death penalty. The irony would likely be lost on people who support such laws anyway.

@malishka: In soviet russia, baby aborts you!

Seems like that would be cruel and unusual punishment for the goats. They might come back with their lining ripped reeking of booze and cigarette smoke.

Oh yeah? Well, Snape kills Dumbledore! ha!

Why does she look like she's plotting to take over the free world? Oh wait...

Why does Tom look like he's going to demonstrate an arm bar on Katie? This isn't Kung Fu class.

Dude, where's my car? I totally swiped this purse from Madonna in the 80's when I time traveled the other day after doing that line and now I need to stash it before she beats me down!

@birdywaa: They ran off to fetch the designer chainsaw they buried down the road in the park.

Her outfit needs more cowbell.