Gone Elsewhere.

@SarahMC: Are you saying we can be relied upon to not take no for an answer? Are all guys rapists, most guys, or just some guys?

@snarkhunting: There are a lot of people (both sexes) who take "No" to be vague, sorta kinda, not comfy with it so could you please "help" me be OK kind of thing. The words "No thank you." said firmly tend to work much better.

OK nevermind, apparently I missed the part where she showed obvious distress. Carry on.

This is what happens if you let your ovary turn emo and write too much bad poetry.

Now, did the Dr pull it out tap it, and ask the nurse if the canteloupe was ripe?

@hortense: It did make the comment MUCH funnier.

@Political Party Girl: What if the man can't read or is blind? Maybe you should have it put in visual cues as well as braille on the shirt...

The man has his own style. And tucking your pants into your boots is utilitarian in nature.

I think the boys just staged a strategic retreat and are currently in hiding at an undisclosed location after reading that.

I can see the future of our news outlets now. "Some person did some thing that some people may consider bad and it happened somewhere."

@SarahMC: Now now, don't say Jesus because you're being discriminatory against long haired hippies in Jerusalem cruisers!

@Rummy_McGin: So it would be more accurate to say a comedian in Britain? Therefore you're only identifying location?

@myrtlebeachbum: Sounds like a waste of perfectly good bungee cords to me.

@Rummy_McGin: I think you're confusing race with nationality.

@Gretchen: Uhm, I've had hearing issues since I was 3 years old. I have tinitus. My ears ring constantly.

Well, if you look at the upper right, there's a man sitting there with what looks like a badge clipped to his belt.

Don't switch the blade on a Spice in shades oh no!