Gone Elsewhere.

Why are the tourists wearing walkie-talkies? Not the tourist kind, but the security kind? You sure that isn't undercover secret service guarding her and Bill's secret rondevous?

But did Biggs's wife yell "Say my name Bitch!" on the wedding night?

@hortense: Yeah, there's a reason why I don't date size 0 women. I just don't usually admit to why.

@clyderambutt: Sometimes all you have is your sense of humor to give you hope. No matter how dark and cloudy things can get. Plus, when it comes to dark humor you always laugh because it's partly true.

@gold_gato: I'm not going to cover it here. heh...

I don't suffer from this affliction. Instead it's an offshoot of my life and weirdly enough, is a reason I'm partly who I am today.

@ceejeemcbeegee (AKA!): Yeah, rather than lack of protection and education about transmission of such diseases, plus, condoms can be a relatively high expense if you don't make much money.

Unphotoshop the cheerleader, save the world!

You mean like my grandmother who died from it?

I'm not sure why you'd feel sad if they made the choice to stay home? I'm not sure anyone forced them to.

I think you're being too harsh. Obviously the jeans were entirely too tight when she put them on, then she shrunk them in hot water, and has been unable to peel them off since. It's been 3 weeks!

mmmm, bacon

@iAlreadyHateYou: Yeah, if God were male he'd have totally flooded the planet with beer instead of water!

Why does she look as if it pains her to talk and think at the same time?

@DorothyZbornak: It also produced Bill Clinton's law degree, along with a host of other presidents, senators, supreme court justices, artists, activits...

Gay's clothing looks like it's Akin for some time out of the closet.