Gone Elsewhere.

I don't care if someone made a video. Good for them for having the cajones to view their own ass on tape. I sure as hell don't want to see my o-face in slow motion.

@J.D.Regent: Everybody has that friend. The one who's just a little too loud, a little too obnoxious, a little too something... It is possible to have friends that do not share the same views as you, even radically.

"...causing our sisters to obviously react and throw her head into the wall."

Maybe she's now going to write for CosmoGirl?

@and Begorrah: Actually, has more to do with the poor treatment she'd get if she were captured. She has a very good reason to fight tooth and nail. =|

@Macloserboy: She scares me. She's like the female version of Ice-T. Plays an Angry Cop, or an Angry Gangster.

@sadiehawkins: You could say it is part of the cause, but it would likely be purely anecdotal without anything scientific to back it up.

@petunia942: As opposed to the man taking the wedding band off for safety reasons. And I think that's a stereotype that runs both ways.

Uhm, what's with the ADD hate? Did we somehow become the scourge of society all of a sudden?

@lisas: Yes, I'm amazed at how much more I accomplish in life without cable tv...

@Lulu82: Uh huh, perhaps you should go educate yourself about what all is in Second Life before making judgement about people being sociopathic.

@GretchenWeiners: Actually you can kill all kinds of people, not just sex workers or females. You can kill cops, white people, black people, hispanic people, asian people, males, females, gays, postal workers, you name it.

@Lizawithazee: Yep, thank Larry Flynt for taking that one to the supreme court.

Wow, it's like he's dating twins! Maybe he confused the daughter for the gf, and that's why he was oiling up her ass?

This is news or a new concept?

@Lulu82: Some of these things, ideas, etc existed before video games. They're not new concepts.

@meaghan2k: Humanity has a way of letting you down when the trappings of society break down and your individual needs (not wants) overrides your ability to act for the greater good.

@SarahMC: Actually, you still have freedom of speech. You have the right to say whatever you want, you do NOT have the right to freedom from consequences of opening your mouth.

@Lulu82: I see, so if you sat down and wrote a story that simulated what it was like to live in the world of GTA, should it be banned? You created your own little reality...

@meaghan2k: Games with an M rating are supposed to only be sold to individuals age 17 and up. Honestly I'm more angry at parents who don't bother to figure out what their kid bought/is playing than I am at GTA for making such a game.