Gone Elsewhere.

Do they server an orthopedic function?

Moar kittehs!

@BicSharpie: If you spew, and she bails, it wasn't meant to be...

Oh, and to ease your wounds about dating and this thread...

@tundrababe: If you don't like that fact about them, then don't use them. They're certainly well within their rights (tasteful or not) to choose what demographics to offer their services to.

And, dating is one of those nebulous things. What may work for many people, may not work for some, and certainly won't work for all. There's a reason why eHarmony rejects some people outright, and really I respect that they do.

@TheFormerJuneBronson: Well, either that or use your newfound weapons training to silence him permanently...

@rednrowdy: Have I posted anything to be concerned about? Unless you're paranoid or untrusting of your mate that is. Last I knew, she didn't fit either category.

@zivah: The family values tour is lame, I'm tired of Limp Bizkit. Faith? I have her in my Buffy the Vampire box set. She appeared to me like an angel in Episode 21, Season 2 "Becoming: Part one". (I had to go look that up folks) Why would I have to indicate that I vote republican? Is there any other way to vote?

The difference I've found between [match.com] & eHarmony (I've never used either for dating purposes, but I have looked into how they worked) is that it seems as if eHarmony makes a point of matching up people who are NOT exactly alike in interests.

Some people can date, some people can fuck, and some people can have relationships.

Xavoc (Seattle) 32 years old | Director of the Carpet Ship | 5' 8"

Again, a good example of my mantra. "Your head should not be bigger than your ass!"

@the memorexe: Eat the proper portion to maintain the proportion.

@langtry: Hey now, Kanye's at least got the scratch to make sure it's 3000GT VR4!

@Sophie: See above Lil' Kim reference. Yeah, I'd say it's a Biggie Smalls impersonator, and that's his tryst w/ Lil' that estranged him from his wife.

So basically this girl wants to be Lil' Kim?

If you look closely next to Kanye's head, you can see the priest blessing his vehicle as god commands him to roar off into the night in search of gold diggers.

OK, let's recap this simple phrase of advice. If your head is bigger than your ass, you're too damn skinny.

Or... the Re-make of Chris Rock's "How not to get your ass kicked by the po-lice."