Gone Elsewhere.

Shotgun Guy: "Did that minivan just cut you off?"

@ginger_t: Next time she'll get paid to do it?

@Molly Crabapple: It isn't creepy that they do this, it's creepy if they tell you that they do this and it isn't something you would find flattering from that particular person, if anyone.

Now I also avoid manhole covers, just in case they're accidentally electrified. =|

Zero comments, then one comment, then none... I think this is a conspiracy against people who hate those grates in sidewalks.

Anyone else have the irrational fear of falling through one of those damn grates on the sidewalk?

@BadenBaden: "The job of the president is to distract the voters from the real people running the show." — Douglas Adams

@Political Party Girl: Aww baby, it's OK. Jesus just doesn't have time to be romantically involved with you. He's too busy saving everyone's soul to have time to tend to your needs.

Closure is also known as "Why did you dump me when I obliviously thought things were great!"

So, it's not extreme sex unless you stab someone now? How many points is that worth on the purity test?

Is it just me, or is any beverage named "Booty Pop" guaranteed to taste like ass?

I love how you'll refresh and 20 comments disappear. Heh.

@BAngieB: "We've secretly replaced Naomi's pants with these, let's see if the paparazzi notice."

Could you spin it around and throw it at someone's feet like a bolo?

@Le Kangourou de Kataroo: Look, I have enough trouble as it is not tripping myself as I walk down the street, but even I don't have that much trouble jumping rope.

My grandfather used to wear his pants like that. He was ahead of his time for the fashion and I never knew...

@tscheese: That's not a belt, his Spidey sense is tingling because he accidentally tucked his shirt into his underoos.

Why do those pants look like she's ready to wade into post Katrina NOLA and save it herself single handedly?

@Meg: I think they only release it for little girls in a thong version that says Juicy.