Gone Elsewhere.

I don't know about marketors, but the hispanics I see working everyday labor jobs work their asses off. I didn't know there was a lazy Latino stereotype.

@NefariousNewt: I just ignore them for over 5 minutes. If they're still talking, then I write a note and stick it next to them on the wall of my cubicle that reads, "I am out of the office today. You did not see me, I am not here urgently working on a project."

@BAngieB: I once had a gal throw my pizza on the table, put her hands on her hips and say, I suppose you want me to serve you too right?

Oh, and Roy?

@RoyOrb: Oh, and propagating the species further when we're already severely damaging our environment and destroying the lives of others to maintain or increase our standard of living?

@RoyOrb: Please keep your Jesus off my penis.

Or, you know...

@umm_okay: I know quite a few republicans that have had abortions, not sure it's a politically on the right thing. More like a religious, cultural, family influence, personal decision, and monetary thing.

Well, at least they didn't replace Cartman w/ the chocolate pooter cast that SM made a few weeks back... Then we wouldn't have been able to tell that Olmos had been replaced.

@beeble aka 'sugartits': I'm sure that if there is a god, that I'm already going to hell. That woman has nothing that I fear, other than her tripping and falling on me.

@Archetype: I couldn't help but laugh at the lady. I'm sorry. If your religion has blinded you that badly that you start screaming at your own family in a frothing at the mouth rage, you have issues and they're not related to religion.

@Archetype: Because then they wouldn't have had this bit of comedy gold...

@aspiringexpatriate: I have an irrational hatred of MD-80/Boeing 717 (Same plane) aircraft. So, I basically avoid flying American whenever possible.


Ugh, that article about Mo Udall made me tear up.


@BeAgrestic: Eh, if you look at how sex toys are set up between men/women. Pretty much every non sooprize buttsecks styled male sex toy is designed for penetrating. So, it's really more related to how such pleasure is derived.

@cde: Yeah, they're people. I've known a few. They creep me out. Small hands, smell like cabbage.