Gone Elsewhere.

@clevernamehere: Not if the legalization sets up a way for the tax money for said workers is used to create oversight and enforcement entities that are geared towards protecting the rights, health, and safety of said workers.

@ToniRockyhorror: Well, you've already severely undermined your ability for anyone here to take you seriously and expect anything other than trolling. Might be best to just back off for a few days, cool off, then come back with rational coherent discussion rather than outright attacks to get attention, then attempt

@jenalicious: Careful, our puritanical roots are showing again.

@J.D.Regent said, this would definitely allow law enforcement to target specific smuggling/trafficking activities, free up law enforcement money currently spent on combatting the issue, and establish more protection for such workers?

@SarahMC says, but that was seriously uncool and very uncalled for. Do yourself, and all of us, a favor and go elsewhere.

This is a shout out to our dear Jezzies having trouble posting right now.

@dillitaunt: Use a spring from a ballpoint pen, or go to like radio shack and get a battery holder that you can steal a spring from.

@The HZA: The gf is interested in the version available in England that uses eggs instead of that lightsaber looking attachment.

@lolacat: Uhm, no Porsches are definitely NOT Italian.

@alexela: I bet she could hide a lot of drugs in it.

Well now, at least he doesn't have to worry about anyone saying they didn't see him.

Anyone ever feel like the site is just screwing with them and eating posts? Heh.

@StabbyMcStabberson: I've heard of people smoking after sex, but if your toy is that's another matter entirely.

@redheadedstepchild: I don't get the obsession, other than it is an extreme form of people watching.

@zivah: They could tell us, but then they'd have to kill us.

Or, you know, hid it. *frowns*

Oprah isn't gay, she just has an angry vagina. Duh.