Gone Elsewhere.

@cinemaddict: I'm stuck at the roleplaying gamers step. I can't bring myself to larp.

@OneMartiniAway: Nah, the only way you can tell she's having a real orgasm if is she drops her nail file.

@NoInheritance: Uh, she tried to say it was sweat for a good while.

@whynotshesaid: Eh, he has some contractual obligation to mention some company's products in her next few albums.

This is my favorite Bjork song.

Upon taking a closer look at that photo, I'm going to have to caption it as a whole.

@whynotshesaid: I liked that song better when it was called Supersonic by JJ Fad. Then again, one of the members of JJ Fad helped her w/ that particular song.

@haguenite: I'm sorry, that was meant to be written with a lot more humor and sarcasm in it. Apparently I failed.

@dotcomdork: Her face is puffy because she's been rubbing up against Renée Zellweger.

@cheera: She's just the new spokesperson for new sour flavored cheetos.

@haguenite: Yeah, let her develop ideas about what she wants to do, then crush them immediately. Go directly to throne, do not pass go, do not become a neurosurgeon.

Why does she look like Stifler's Mom?

@rednrowdy: He's in New York! Obviously he's just looking out for the crackheads that stole all the cinnbons.

@katekate: $5k for a 3 day vacation? Does that include free oral sex when riding space mountain or something? That seems a bit... Extreme.

I actually like Disney World. It's pretty much the only place on the planet that I can be in a huge crowd and not be upset by it. I had the chance to finally go to Disney Land, and was irked at how rides there had been redesigned to shove as many people through as quickly as possible, versus Disney World which

@rednrowdy: Nah, he's not listing to the side.

One of these shades of orange is not like the others,