Gone Elsewhere.

@meaghan2k: She iz in ur bunkur, enterin yur numbers!

@ItchykooParker: Life is just better with a little more cowbell in it. Walken is great. I love him in Fatboy Slim's video for Weapon of Choice.

Is it just me, or has that model absorbed so much solar radiation that she now hovers a few inches above the ground? Maybe it's a magnetic field caused by the static electricity charge built up in her hair from tossing it.

"Clive Owen somberly walks down the street, lost in despondent contemplation...because the Cinnabon was out rolls."

@pureblarney: Yeah, I kept looking around for that as an expansion device announcement. But it never came.

Flatbread anyone?

Dickinson? This thread needs more cowbell.

Maybe she was going Britney that day?

Flack, coming from a guy who was licking doorknobs at a hotel to get a presidential candidate sick with the flu a few years ago?

@rocknrollunicorn: I'm pretty sure he doesn't intend to harm her politically or non-politically. I've stated it before, people like being objectified, but only from people with whom they want to be. My girl, my boy, it shows interest an investment in a relationship. It isn't being used to define a piece of real-estate.

@SarahMC: On a serious and un-snarky note... I'm well aware that women were once considered property. I don't believe I was part of that particular discussion as I knew you were quite correct about it.

@saritah: I think he did that when he used the oval office for his personal harem.

@TheGuvnah: I love you too smooshyface!

@SinisterRouge: Uh, yeah, please don't compare me to RSR. Seriously.

@TruculentandUnreliable: Nah, just having fun. =) At the end of a thread, regardless, I walk out still respecting the people in it, and usually a little more educated.

@TruculentandUnreliable: Would you like some cheese with your whine? And, I don't care about being called out on my comments. If you truly believe that about me, you need to get out more.

@CrabbyPants: Sorry, I'll attempt to do that in the future. It's just difficult at times to stay above it, when you're automatically targeted by it simply by being male.

@flackette: Stay safe, and thank you for supporting a great cause.

@sybann: I think the regular channels are the ones who needed the country justice for failing to protect the very people that their jobs exist to serve. And peers does not mean women, it means citizens.

@nerdsausage is in the tank for SATAN: Perhaps, but for many people that isn't possible. Someone like them to win? Are you a rich white male, a rich white female, a rich black male? Notice the trend?