Gone Elsewhere.

@katekate: They don't have to be mutually exclusive, but it seems a good number of women feel they are. As my ex wife once said, "I'm not camping if I can't take my hair dryer and have some place to plug it in." For, you know, camping over a weekend.

Oh, and everybody needs to know how to properly make pizza in a dutch over. Learning to cook food that wasn't hamburgers, scrambled eggs, or tacos over an open fire was a great experience for me.

@lina_lamont: She doesn't worry about whether or not there is running water, electricity, or if her makeup is perfect. Plus, she brings the strap-on with her. (Kidding)

@wolf biter: Hell, I'm 32 and I still don't know how to talk to girls, went to public school, and am not afraid to make an ass of myself. As a girl, you're lucky. You can pretty much say "hi, I have breasts" and a guy will start talking to you.

As an eagle scout, I think girlscouts (Brownies?) get the definite short end of the box of cookies. Sure, you get to sell awesome cookies instead of heinous tins of popcorn, but really!

@Neopatra: Really? What if it were mothers who attacked the 13 year-old girl who was pimping out her schoolmates for cash? Would it be justice then?

Obviously the law dropped the ball on this one. Did the grandma report it, or did the girl report it? Maybe grandma should have taken girl to a mandatory reporter type person about it...

@BeckySharper: Hrm, good question. I know one does hang higher than the other, I just don't really know which one does on me per se and how that relates to the direction a man dresses. Though, we all pretty much have *some* curve

@Political Party Girl: Great, I'm now related to a day that will live in infamy. A straight male made besties. Hahahaha!

Ever since she started towards skeletor looks her head looks even more too large for her body.

@Elevendy: The tailoring term for this is, "Do you dress to the left, or to the right." Most men dress to the left.

@rantmagazine:boo hoo: No, I try to be realistic about it. I just don't quite get where the behavior is learned.

On one level I want to think the man deserved it. On another I'm angry that this grandmother couldn't deal with her anger in a manner that didn't leave her grandchildren in foster care.

@rsr26: You know, I KNOW that some of the things I write and post will draw ire and flack, and really I'm OK with that. I still haven't drawn the kind of negative attention and basically hateful feedback that you have.

@blackbirdfly: Yeah, probably because you'll never look at pizza the same way again.

@Triphena: They know right from wrong, but I don't think they truly understand the consequences of their action.

@lickherbeforebeer: In another life I worked at Arby's. You never quite look at roast beef the same after hearing that comparison.

Dammit rsr! I won the bestie for today! How dare you steal my thunder!