Gone Elsewhere.

@rantmagazine:boo hoo: Eh, I just wonder how much of that attraction goes back to being jealous of others when you weren't getting any at that age. A curiosity factor if you will. Versus say, just being a really creepy fscker. How old were the clients?

@J.D.Regent: Oh, I know, I'm not saying women have it better or worse. Just that it is something a man literally has zero control over. I can't speak for other guys, but I don't really worry about it.

@J.D.Regent: Pretty much you're stuck w/ what god gave you. None of the "remedies" for being unendowed are really all that safe. Pills are bogus, pumps can cause severe damage and scar tissue, weights... Ow.

@Dear Blond Diary...: I'll take break it violently the other direction and let it heal for $500 Alex.

@couponwhore: You mean people who didn't want to ask you if you wanted fries with that in iambic pentameter?

I'm rocking my "Lock the doors we're in a bad neighborhood" blue fleec pullover.

@eeva: Erm, terribly sorry about your pizza slice. That's not exactly what I was aiming for w/ my flatbread comment.

@chelotoyou: True moderates are what make up most of the people in the country. For the most part they're the people who are really more concerned with their everyday lives and getting by than causes.

@Motown: I guess I just accept my gf, and her sexuality, as she is. What I know, is that as long as I keep her happy and tend to her needs, she's my drunken whore, instead of someone else's. I'm perfectly OK with those terms.

@chelotoyou: Because being a republican, or a democrat for that matter, for many people has a lot less to do with towing a party line than voting for people whose ideals come closest to your own.

@chelotoyou: You mean like Michelle Rodriguez? I wish that woman would just go away. She either plays an angry hood rat, or an angry cop. We already have ICE-T for that role, stop wasting his flava.

An article on what you need to know to be head to toe gorgeous? You mean like be confident, smile, and not bein an ignorant twat?

@GTCosita: Actually, he is (was?) quite intelligent. I'm not sure what's up w/ Bush these days but his speeches as the governor of Texas were much more interesting and coherent.

@asylum: Can I wear a kilt instead of a dress though? I have nice knees.

@Motown: Just don't tell him the true number. He'll multiply that by 3...

@GTCosita: Considering the crap they write in their magazine. Most likely.

@gold_gato: "So's my rabbit pearl. Could you go get me a large suppply of batteries? It's going to be a while before you get laid again."