
What do the good people of Albany have to do with this?

He was Stretch Cunningham!

That would have been around his time producing The Parachute Club, yes?

Yes. 43 is 40+, I believe. Since several members from that era have either passed away or retired, I'm not sure who'd realistically be able to be part of KC Mk. VII. Seems like it comes down to a choice between either Collins or Ian McDonald, but that's about it.

Not wholly true: Mel Collins, who was part of the band from 1970-72, is part of the current lineup.

Does Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom count as a party movie?

Probably some sort of testament to Kubrick that he can make both one of the weirdest and also one of the most mundane party scenes in movies:

If there is a David Cronenberg equivalent in the Cars universe and it has made the Cars version of Crash, then let's see someone twist out the metaphysics and cute-cartoon THAT.

[Old man yells "Tex Avery" at GJI article]

Wait, what? I missed all of this. Is there a link to the Twitter peep investigation?

This sounds like a more complicated and sweeter Vietnamese iced coffee, but I'll give it a whirl.

Quit dinkin' around, Slip!

It's answered elsewhere in this thread, but the line was changed in rehearsal, which happens not infrequently.

She's got to have either Clara Bow, or a Stephen King novel. Take your pick.

I don't think he had the luxury of a wall to block him.

We went to Europe a couple of years ago, and in a shopping mall there was a place you could rent Segways for a five-minute ride on a closed course. My then-nine-year-old managed to loudly squeal the tires on his Segway (something both I and the course manager previously thought impossible), before driving straight

Well-placed carnival mirrors? Surreptitiously getting approaching people onto pairs of stilts?

Splitting hairs, but in America I would have thought Tavernier is best known for Round Midnight. Man, that movie was inescapable in art house circles in its day.

Feral Sharkey.

Clever use of forced perspective would solve part of your problem.