
I am not a fan of this. She is half of what makes Flip or Flop hard to watch. The other half is her ex-husband.

“Happy” is the death of drama for genre fiction. The fight for inclusion for all historically marginalized groups shouldn’t result in happy endings. Boring stories are happy.

This is a critical point. My husband’s father is a Trump voter. He cannot ever admit fault about anything. And when challenged he immediately doubles down on his position. This is, of course, a major character flaw and comes from the fact that he comes from an emotionally abusive family and has zero sense of

Aside from the fact that I like my iPhone this just gives me more reason to stick with Apple. It is nice when a company makes money on their products and doesn’t need to sell your personal data to be profitable.

I’ve heard really nasty things about how foreigners can be viewed and treated in Korea and Japan. I have a friend, a white guy, who spent something like 10 years in Korea, married there, and had a kid, and he recounted incidents where he and/or the kid would randomly have to take racial abuse from people in the

Is that the cat skin? After $80 of loot boxes, surely you have 1000 credits?

Fuck live music in eating establishments holy shit, especially if it’s not scheduled and the band is a friend of the owner or some shit and just want to do an impromptu gig.

It’s always loud as fuck and normally not very good, so I’m stuck here for 30-45 min unable to talk to friends because some shitty Oasis cover is

It’s clear you’ve never worked in a field where being there in person is absolutely necessary. First of all, there are some of us that work as shift workers (myself), and while we can put in requests ahead of time, and most of the time get them, sometimes it just doesn’t work out and you can’t legally just not show up

That is not at all the MacBook Pro I want...

Walmart is building its own robots. If one of them accidentally injures someone, are we going to say Walmart has no business in the robotics business?

I’m curious to see where this all goes—and hopeful that it will lead to something productive.

There’s no 100% cure for people being assholes; no matter how great the community, or how well it is monitored, there will always be dipshits within the group that feel the need to be toxic, aggressive, or otherwise

Saying “I Don’t need to say ‘I told you so,’” is the biggest told you so of all.

Its also the reservation leaders not leading. Red pheasant is notoriously criminal, and their leader is awful and blames whitey for everything. (Side note one of the people in the car is a cousin of the leader of that reserve) Where as whitecap, noticed there was a problem, and actually lead his people and opened a

Reason 1824826138373 to never back Kickstarter games. I would be so pissed if I backed this to have the project essentially canceled. Sure they meant well, but they took all that money and now the backers are just SOL. Such BS.

It’s silly what sites will do to force a video ad on you! They might even embed a video in the middle of an article about how to mute videos! What a world!

I think it’s a similar effect Walmart had in small towns across the country in the 80s and 90s. Amazon is running more traditional retailers out of business, so people have fewer employment options. Eventually Amazon will be one of the only options, which will allow them to dictate the terms of employment (which will

I have a strong feeling that you are a troll attempting to discredit feminism by acting as extreme as possible. If so, get a life. If not, there is no reason for name calling in response to my reasonable point. I’m in no way arguing that domestic violence against women is not a serious problem. Unfortunately it still

I mean, to be fair, this is the first time Minnesotta has ever hosted a super bowl (I think). These women knew that, and chose to hold their press conference any way. They could have held it two weeks ago, and the press would have been there. They could have held it in a week and a half, and the press would have been

I don’t for one minute believe that young Dylan (and Satchel Ronan for that matter) don’t believe the story they tell. Unfortunately it is just that - a story. Told to them so repeatedly (by a vindictive and duplicitous woman who proved that hell really does have no fury like a woman scorned) they now believe it as an