
I think it’s fantastic because of course a narcissist like Loki would find his first One True Love in... a version of himself. Couldn’t work out better.

This same argument works both ways.

Gawker Media has not existed for half a decade. It has been sold and resold and is owned by a holding company that solely wants to employ a small group of moderately competent hacks to churn out clickbait content in order to generate enough ad revenue to make the property stable enough to sell at either break even or

Going to call you out a bit here Salty.

The whole thing is wild—I never really noticed before since I’m not a KakaoTalk power user (just use it for the family, really). But if I *were* a power user, that would baffle me since... these are two of the biggest Korean tech companies... and they don’t... have an app for the Samsung watches... after 7 years of

I’ve said this elsewhere and I’ll say it again.

The trap of expectations.

3000% this. With the D+ shows especially this trend of outrageous rumored cameos and twists— followed by angry disappointment when the story turns out to be about exactly what it said was— has gotten out of hand.

All the people who were furious that WandaVision wasn’t a backdoor Fantastic Four reveal/pilot, featuring

I honestly don’t understand most of this review/recap at all. It feels largely as if there was nothing they could have done that you would have actually enjoyed.

He did also date Ann Wojcicki. I think his dating type is women who are attractive, high profile and rich.  He loves that Arod Money.

You go to any swimming pool in the country and you’ll see women in bikinis. Children will be there and will be able to see women in bikinis. This is simply what the swimming pool is. Same with hot tubs, there just aren’t as many hot tubs as there are swimming pools.

If a citizen engages in journalistic behavior, they ought to be held to the same standards of a journalist.

A Goth Club....for adults....all-black dress code.....expensive membership dues.

It is generally very easy to prove that someone that robbed a liquor store, which is a crime. The problem with inappropriate behavior, creating a toxic environment, is that it isn’t illegal and it doesn’t really leave much evidence. For instance, if someone says, come over, my wife isn’t home, so we won’t be

If someone gets drunk and robs a liquor store but “didn’t mean it” when they sober up, they still robbed a liquor store. They still get arrested. They still go to jail.

Covid-19, a president that kept referring to it as ‘the Chinese virus’, general racism, and a serious push against progressive ideologies by people who felt stifled by their inability to hate others for differences. At least in the States.

“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing” 

Every single predatory gambling game gives you a few rolls for free.

I can’t be the only one who went in to training mode and within 10 seconds was compelled to slow the speed to 1/4, zoom in the camera, and just watch Pyra’s down smash.

Oh look, it’s another sneering backhanded comment about Democrats from Kotaku writers. Joy.