
The amount of people who think Apple did this just to make people upgrade is astounding. It’s more a consequence of their design decisions than sneaky greed.

If they’re basing part of their reasoning on how stupid their users’ names are... they’re missing the point that people tend to just ignore the juvenile names. (I mean I’m not looking for online dates, but I see it as a constant across any sites. I know not to team up with online gamers with dumb names, this should

I know it has been said over and over, and I know that it doesn’t help them make money, but wouldn’t it be great if I could just have one continuous chronological feed of everything that my friends and pages that I have subscribed to post.

Why should he?

It’s so wrong that it hurts to hear that people actually go and attack the people who make these games this way... There are no justifications for this action.

For some reason I think the problem has less to do with a woman trying to sell men on the idea that a $1000 breast pump is a good investment and more to do with the product being a $1000 breast pump looking for an investment.

Death threats and blind insults only create angry noise that prevents the sensible, rational arguments against bad ideas from being heard.

In fairness, this cuts both ways. A lot of those racist, alt-right douche bags who marched with torches lost their jobs when their photos were posted publicly and they were not wearing work related clothes or anything.

Yeah, but desperate people on Craigslist will still buy them only to find out they’re bricked.

The publisher paid someone to do this. You give s0meone a few thousand bucks, they make a few bots, tell the bots to flood review sites with fake reviews, the overall score goes up, some gullible people see the high score and purchase game. Money is exchanged.

I’m not an iPhone user (am and always have been an Android user) but declining market share is a deceptive statistic when you’re talking about a rapidly expanding technology. Apple’s customer base has expanded even as its market share has decreased. That’s not the mark of a dying company. That’s the mark of a company

This is not true. FaceID requires the user’s attention.

Shouldn’t be secretive at all! But I guess some do... xD

Some people rely on carrier “leasing”.

Samsungs mentality is to duplicate everything that Google does. The reason for this is two-fold.

From my experience, it does that once a week and whenever the device is shut off and turned on, whether by the user or the battery.

It didn’t actually fail; the message on the screen was “enter your passcode to unlock faceid”; that happens with touchid in various circumstances. He shouldn’t have aborted .. he should have unlocked it, then locked it again with explanation, and then unlocked with face. Federighi fail.

exactly. What you understand as mansplaining is correct. Somehow it morphed into “any time a man says something to a woman” which is just ludicrous.

Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.

Gotta get the widow skin before blizzard changes it for being too hot