
Why is this a story?

1-I’m talking about the communities at large, like Hearthpwn.
2-Toxic shitbags can still make emotes obnoxious enough.
3-Toxic shitbags can still send friend requests. Upon accepting, you’re assaulted with a racist, anti-semitic barrage straight out of Trump’s rectum.

Yes, you can block out all three. But even after

Now playing

It has nothing to do with the underlying art, and everything to do with celebrity.

I like you. You’re a positive person. Not a dipshit. When people aren’t dipshits, that makes me happy as well. Happiness all around! :)

How many times have I said this now? Hearthstone has without a doubt the shittiest, dumbest fucking gaming community in the world. In the world.

The people who claim HS is p2w crack me up.

I never bought anything inside the game and still manage to compete.

Art it entirely subjective; it’s anything anyone says it is. Consider Jackson Pollock; his paintings are hailed as high art and sell for a fortune. I’ve got drop cloths out in the garage that look just like his “art”.

Came to say this. I’ve sold every generation of iPhone I’ve had on eBay and gotten way more than any of these sites offered. These sites will severely under cut your price if the phone isn’t in pristine condition. On eBay a cracked screen still got me over $300 for my old 4S. Even with shipping and the seller’s fee I

You’re still latching onto the literal rather than the symbolic. By turning and walking away, he is, like Lot, never looking back, never to see it again. It’s gone, forever. That requires a supreme amount of willpower. Since you are obsessed with the literal (it will be there when he comes back inside), you are

Really now? I’m a huge fan of both Melee and Smash 4. Why do you care that some people like an old game?

I didn’t even know GTalk was still around. I was transitioned — against my will — about a year or two ago. I wish Hangouts would do the side-docking minimization instead of occupying space on my taskbar...I wish the online/off-line thing worked properly (generally I just ping people with a “???” to see if they’re

46 and 35 is way less significant of a gap than 36 and 25. (Or 26 and 15, for that matter.)

I am of the mentality that I shouldn’t have to pay the DRIVER a tip. Without them Uber makes no money, Uber should just be giving them a fair enough cut to make them rewarded for the fares. I shouldn’t have to pay the driver for the trip and then pay their wage through tips as well. My money is already paying for the

I think the bigger concerned with used devices is service banning. Imagine buying a used phone, only to find the person managed to become banned from several social media services.

But that “half as much” they do twice as well as anyone else.

I have no idea. If just being humiliated on reality tv was grounds for a successful lawsuit, reality tv would have died out a long time ago.

I have to wonder how successful this lawsuit will be since people practically sign their life away to appear on these shows.

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

You are 100% wrong in your assessment, because you are discounting all of the corporate environments that use “pet features” people need.